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[–]CircumsteinRabbi Circumstein 4 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

I certainly don't like or feel sorry for them. White countries have become the wastebaskets of the world, into which all of the world's refuse is most unfortunately deposited.

The bootlicking traitors to their country who aided its occupation. The trash, the refuse of Afghanistan, is to be dumped into an eagerly willing Canada. Canada is one of those trash cans with a happy face, one happily devouring all the garbage.

Into to it shall be placed all of these rejects who share in common only that they cannot live up to the Taliban's high moral standard. Feminists. Queers. Trannies. These are the three they're most concerned with importing to Canada. "We like the filth and the smut", say the pigs, and they roll. "The Taliban will slaughter us because we like the mud. Let us into Canada! Let us be queer feminist tranny consumers in Canada!"

"Yum, yum!", says Canada happily. It then recites words scrawled upon it, ones inspired by the poem of the Jewess on the Statue of Liberty. They read as follows:

The wretched refuse of far away lands,

especially those of the -stans;

give me all of your poor and every last whore,

leave none on your teeming shore;

my people love plenty of smut,

and they also love every slut;

your feminists, trannies and queers ridden with STDs;

send these, please, to me, where they can be free;

they shall still be dumb,

but they shall have freedom;

to roll in plentiful muck, silt and sludge,

to f*** like cockroaches, s*** in streets and dole-bludge;

I lift my lid for I like to devour shite,

first and foremost when it is non-white.