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[–]Girondin 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

[disclaimer: I only watched like 30 mins of it]

TLDR: STRDST thinks goodreads description is everything a book represents [abstract of a paper], Sean thinks that the content is important [specifically the results of a study], she also thinks that content is important and thinks Charles Murray is secretly spilling the beans on systemic racism [black kids are systemically disadvantaged] but she sees no contradiction. She thinks sean is conspiratorial for some reason. I still think Sean is a awful debater, but she was really dumb.

She is also constantly mixes morality with every question. She constantly has to justify black existence which feels very weird ("blacks can open doors", "blacks made jazz music [which is debatable historically as it was a fusionist genre]").