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[–]SamiAlHayyidGrand Mufti Imam Sheikh Professor Al Hadji Dr. Sami al-Hayyid 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

The only thing that surprises me is that they didn't do this en masse back in 1994. I always thought it was bizarre looking at a map of Africa and seeing names that so obviously have nothing to do with blacks. They're everywhere, and proof of how Whites (and Arabs, in some areas) either built or at least directed the building of so many contemporary African cities. Some names still survive, like Port Harcourt in Nigeria and Porto-Novo in Benin. This even holds true for entire nations, e.g. Niger is Latin for black and Sudan is Arabic for black, Ethiopia is derived from the Greek words for "burnt face".

Of course, there have been plenty of name changes. For example, Salisbury to Harare, Leopoldville to Kinshasa, Elisabethville to Lubumbashi and Stanleyville to Kisangani.