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[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Potentially, COVID itself; Best-case scenario being a "simple" lab-leak due to incompetence and worst-case being a literal bioweapon.

In my research on this I've found that covid-19 is really just a combination of the seasonal flu and symptoms of spike protein exposure in the vaccinated and spike protein shedding into the unvaxxed. There is a weaponized strain of covid developed by Fauchi and the cabal through gain of function research but it hasn't been released yet. The people afraid of 'covid' are participating in a type of mass psychosis event. Treat them as you would any insane homeless person wandering through the street mumbling and shrieking.

The entire point of the 'covid-19 hype' was the vaccine itself and the control grid that will be put in place around it. The testing is proprietary and owned by the same people that own the unreleased bio weapon. The elites have full control here and each new variant they are going to push for more and more vaccines which most likely will cause a physiological reliance on the vax. Basically at some point people will be forced into taking vaccines to supplement their broken immune systems for life.

The system's intent is to enslave us fully, to steer the ship into transhumanist techno-totalitarianism and certain annihilation at full speed.

Yup. Basically this. Get out of the cities while you still can (if you still can).