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[–]SamiAlHayyidGrand Mufti Imam Sheikh Professor Al Hadji Dr. Sami al-Hayyid 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Hilarious how those who claim that 'immigration built America' conveniently leave out the race of the immigrants.

What the 'normies' and their shepherds have done is take the achievements of White immigrants, and replace the immutable reasons of their achievement with mutable reasons (e.g. culture, and their favourite, 'values'). Then they can indulge in a fantasy in which Ngubu, Okechukwu and Mudzahir will adopt our magic 'values' and then achieve more of the same things. They'll be like non-white White men, free and equal under the rule of law—there will be Ngubu Nietzsche with his bestselling Tha Gayest Science and Sheeeit, Shitavious Schopenhauer with his bestselling Tha Worldstar Hip-Hop and Tha Will To Get Reparashuns, and Tyrone Tesla with the flying pyramid.

Notice, of course, that there is nothing exceptional about 'American values', which are also the same as Australian values, British values, Canadian values, French values, Haitian values, and Liberian values. Yep, Haiti's constitution is literally modeled after the US/French constitutions, Liberia's after the US constitution.

It looks like 'American values' are not guarantors of those much desired first-world living standards and whatever other ends that 'American values' are considered as the best means for achieving. Of course, the values exceptionalism types like Fukuyama simply claim that the values themselves remain ideal, and that places like Haiti and Liberia have simply implemented them poorly. All Haiti and Liberia have to do is double-down and implement them correctly. When they get it 'right' then they'll soon join the ranks of the superabundant, consumerist first-world.