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[–]DragonerneJesus is white 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Ethnic minorities don't have a drinking culture whih alot of British spend a ton of money on which means less savings

This is a complete garbage point. In a nationalist economy, this money would go to other british people, so it is not like it is wasted. Classic fucking sub 100IQ economics.

Ethnic minorities have vacations in their ancestors countries which is much cheaper and usually they have somewhere free to stay in comparison to British people who spend their money on expensive holidays. This saving money on housing, less expensive hobbies has created a disparity in my area where alot of ethnic minorities are doing great financially.

The financial system is rigged against whites on all levels, which is why minorities are doing much better than they would if they didn't have brown privilege.
In Denmark, in the past 10 years I think the AVERAGE (think about that for a second) nonwhite woman got something like 70k euros from the state (taken from ethnic danish men). This is just one example of how the system is rigged.
That's 70k euros on average that could've been spent on danish children or wives.