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[–]casparvoneverecBig tiddy respecter[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

Yeah, the whole sports is just another dead end into civic nationalism. Are you from East Germany or West?

[–]Richard_Parker 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Es ist sehr schmeichelhaft von Ihnen, aber leider bin ich Ami. I had the grave misfortune to be born in this shitty country that some Germans derisively call Amiland. When I was young, wanted to move there never go back--put forth a valiant but hopeless to truly master the language.

Despite my better judgment, that youthful ambition to go there and never go back lingers (even though I am engaged) I lived and worked there somewhat recently for a few months. Last time I was there, I was really taken aback by the progression of Americanization, english language adverts everywhere. Walking down Stuttgart or even Heidelberg, you probably see 40 percent of store fronts with english language signage.

There were also a LOT more interracial couplings, particularly a certain sort of German women with black servicemen. In the 90s, that was something you would see, but people would openly scoff and stare that shit down. Not anymore.

My jaded view is enhanced by living in New York, because I know any German national I meet chooses to live here, and--as an axiom--chose to live here to get away from those elements of true German society and culture that still exist. This also deprives me of having a Gesprächspartner, and as a result my spoken German has declined. Going to resume self study in latter part of c1 and may take up a tutor for c2.

Concerning soccer, I find it ironic that a year before the migrant crisis, Germany won the world cup--replete with a 7-1 smackdown of Brazil, with those awesome red and black with white trim away kits. Before then would have thought this is what Germany needs to loosen up the war guilt. I feel it may have made them complacent, almost like how porn is a substitute for sex and thus weakens the sex drive in the long run despite strengthening it in the short term.

German fan culture--aka ultra fan-- is nonetheless a very complex subject, with many right-leaning tendencies but also some far left. The fan base for Stuttgart has been accused of having rightwing sympathies. They are known to wear fred perry polos. I saw them in a pretty bad game against FC Bayern. In the ultra fan section there is a column of these men in black, waving flags, pounding on drums. It is good to see but not sure it actually is a catalyst for the sort of change we can believe. Do you?

Closing with some videos of Cannstatter Kurve--, first and foremost Oh VfB hier im Stadion

The lyrics are a defacto battle cry:

Oh VfB hier im Stadion, / schlägt dein Herz, lebt deine Tradition. / Oh VfB Solange wir in der Kurve steh´n / wird auch deine Fahne weiter weh´n. Oh VfB

Oh Vfb hier in stadium / your heart beats as your tradition lives on / Oh so long as we stand in the Curve / so will your flags fly on.

[–]casparvoneverecBig tiddy respecter[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

German Americans are the most tragic people of all the European diaspora. They were repeatedly mobilized to destroy their own brethren. Hitler in 1918 noted how the American Doughboys were mostly of German origin. Germans were almost 30% of the US white population in 1917 and a similar if not larger number in 1939.

Hitler saw how year after year, Germans mass migrated from Germany to the US because the reich lacked the land to feed or house them. Russia in turn saw little emigration to the US, barring a horde of Jews from 1880-1924. Russia had vast lands where its younger sons could settle and develop.

Year after year, Germany added to the population of the anglo-saxon powers, essentially building up its enemies. Without 7 million Germans that went to the US from 1800-1920, the US would probably not have ever been a superpower in the first place. American entry into ww1 was the main reason behind Germany's defeat. If she had stayed neutral, Germany could've waited the allies out as she secured food from Ukraine. She would've also crushed the bolshevik revolutin in the bud.

This led to Hitler's obsession with Lebensraum, the desire for a continental empire that could not blockaded off by the sea powers. An empire that could house hundreds of millions of Germans and be fully self sufficient in land and mineral resources. Thus began his genocidal designs on the Russian people who would've been natural allies in a crusade against Bolshevism.

This would in turn go onto become a primary reason behind Germany's defeat in WW2.