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[–]SamiAlHayyidGrand Mufti Imam Sheikh Professor Al Hadji Dr. Sami al-Hayyid 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Caesar, JFK, etc.

I'd say he's analogous to America's Majorian. After Majorian all Roman "leaders" were essentially racial outsiders or outright puppets of racial outsiders. Biden is obviously the latter, the likes of Kamala both pull the strings and are the former. Of course, Trump has arguably been the same with Kushner, whose name amusingly autocorrects to "kosher".


Sure. Few of us care about American "values", though. How do you think people morally justified, and continue to morally justify, the current state of affairs? They certainly did not appeal to any set of values foreign to America.

Aren't the RINO/neocon types back in charge? I think this was quite predictable, i.e. blaming "Trumpism" for the GOP's decline when it's simply just demographics plus the inability to actually embrace this very same "Trumpian populism" and take it further than mere rhetoric. That being said, a bunch of these neocon types are hanging around Biden, having gone back to their original position on the Left. Naturally I hope they all leave, so that the Left can have, and be blamed for, the noxious "build democracy in the Middle East" types.

On the macrolevel I don't have much option but to agree. The only thing we can do on the societal level is try to replace the GOP voting bases' ideas with our own, and thus have GOP hardware running on our software. Some of the embrace of our terminology by more mainstream personalities indicates that all this content creation and proliferation might be making progress in that regard. However, I'm seeing people spiral off in directions like founding new political parties, which seems to me a complete waste of the limited time we have left.

On the microlevel I obviously disagree. The only option I can see is community building, some of which is certainly happening. "Retaking the nation state" seems delusional at this point. We have to salvage what we can and accept the loss of the rest at least in the short-term. And indeed the decline of the cities is more and more the problem of deracialized persons and racial others, and thus it is not our problem if the opioid epidemic or some other problem destroys such places. Even a standard Republican exceedingly has to admit that they're all Democrats there, even if he finds nothing else problematic about the American urbanite, and should arrive at much the same conclusion.