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[–]Jesus 4 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

/u/send_nasty_stuff The atheist Jew (Zionist?) (though how can you be a Jew if you don't practice Judaism) who thinks everyone is subhuman (Talmudic?) and called for their genoicde thinks degenerates get their info from videos. Yes, videos. What if they watch videos and read books?

No... Hitler, though I reject nazism because nazis rejected the Mystical Body of Christ, was indeed racist in the def. of the word but less so than the plutocratic Jews and non-Jews that enslaved African-Americans, but such an 'issue' was NOT the reason he lost the war. It had to do more with the poor military blunders of his soldiers and at times his carelessness of the blitz. It was only when he fired the freemason Schacht and threw him in a concentration camp and replaced him with Walther Funk, a pupil of the left-leaning Nazi Gottfried Feder, did the entire banking cabal set their purses on destroying Germany for good.

Hitler worked with Zionists up to a point. Haavara sent a mere 20,000 Jews, some studies say less, to Palestine. Zionism literal def. is the commercialization of Palestine. Other countires including German Christian Templars tried to colonize Haifa and commercialize in the 19th century but failed miserably. The Basel Zionist congresses founded by Zionist Jews and 900+ corporations set their eyes again on the east-west axis and initially used legal, albeit, immoral means to acquire land for company colonization for exploitation, geopolitical outpost and resources and then funded Jewish supremacist terrorists to accomplish the rest.

The Nazis wanted to send Jews to Chilie, Madagascar, etc., but Zionists wanted Palestine. Consider at this time Jews were already making Aliyah to Israel by the 100's of thousands for religious reasons. Herzl was a Zionist Jew and called Diaspora Jews who refused to acknowledge the establishment of a Jewish majority state, "kikes" and that "an arrow was aimed at their breast."

During the war Hitler funded Palestinians through Operation Atlas. That's right the nazis were on the side of the Palestinians funding them while the British was funding the Irgun and other Jewish groups.