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[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)


Because we have photos leading right up to the event, of Indians doing what scientists explicitly warned against. Don't gather in large groups.

Talking to you is like pulling teeth. It's painful. What 'event' are you referencing? The AP has photos of indians burning people because all over India open air burning is a popular cremation method. It's performed by untouchables. The lowest caste in Indian. The AP has also been caught recently using the same photo for multiple stories months apart. How retarded does the US media think we are? Even if the photos are recent there's still no evidence these are covid patients. This is just a lazy play to stoke fear in an american public that knows nothing about Indian culture, size, geography or lack of third world data reporting or medical systems. How are you getting accurate numbers when so much of India is rural, disconnected and doesn't even believe in accepting international aid workers into their village? (that's probably a good impulse on their part). You've done nothing to prove that India is experiencing some type of covid outbreak that's not just yearly flu season death or run of the mill death cremation. This is narrative driving and it's connected to an agenda to get EVERYONE vaxxed. They want children vaxxed. They want pregnant women vaxxed. They want people that already have had covid and have immunity to get vaxxed. This is against recommendations from accredited scientists and doctors. You'd know that if you watched any of the material I'm sending you. That would be a person debating in good faith though which you don't seem to be doing.

If Jews want me and my family to live, what am I suppose to do?

Ok. So you are continuing to ignore my argument.

That's the side I'm trying to represent. The desire to live.

Cool. Then why don't we advocate a return to 2 plus year rigorous trials on vaccines? Why don't we bring back liability for vaccine injuries? Safety and the right to 'live' is of paramount importance here. If the survival rate of covid is 99% and the vaccine has over a 1% kill rate then every person that pushed this vaccine has blood on their hands. Including you.

But if someone is anti-vax or is pro sneezing in other people's faces with no mask, they are fighting for the complete opposite.

The human immune system is more than equipped to deal with germs and viruses. That's why we don't die when people sneeze in our faces. That's why sneezing in someones face is rude but not a crime because it's not a death sentence. In fact if you lived in a bubble you'd be more sick not less. Your immune system needs environmental exposure to strengthen and train itself. The US military even did extensive experiments in warehouses with hundreds of people to see if they could get flu and colds to spread with contact. (They actually had people sneeze and spit on each other) and there was no data for transmission that way. The reality of germ theory is that it's either wrong or it competes with another theory: terrain theory. Which says your body is only likely to get ill if it has a dirty or weak terrain. If you are strong and healthy and eating right you are far less susceptible to illness even when exposed. Your personal terrain deals with it. I'm not totally discounting germ theory of course but terrain theory should be looked at more and it's not because medical science has huge blind spots created by power players and egos. Every field of academics is compromised by money, power, egos, and an ethnic tribe of selfish ethnocentric anti human Jews.

All other options at trying to contain the virus have ended in failure.

This is not a fucking zombie apocalypse. This is a fucking corona virus with 99% survival. Humanity is going to be fine. It's really only under threat by Gates and a small group of people that meet every year to talk about ways to reduce human population. Why the fuck would a guy who one an award for bringing up the idea of reducing the human population be put in charge of a vaccine that suppose to save peoples lives? Use some common sense?

a lot of people broke their vows and decided to get together when it was never recommended to do so. They ended up depleting their entire national supply of oxygen and had to start begging other countries for donations. The "do nothing" approach just pisses off regular folk who don't have the luxury of working from home and putting themselves at risk of getting sick.

Again. You know nothing about India do you? Or you do know and you're just getting paid to spread approved stories that are created with the geographical and cultural IQ of the average NPC in mind. Travel to India and learn a little bit about Indian culture and their idea of 'social distancing'. There is no such thing. People stand ass to crotch in the ATM line. Some mandate about some virus panic in the west isn't going to change how billions of Indians live their lives. Indians didn't 'break their vows'. Get out of here with that. Indians are not white people. Indians don't have a marriage with institutions and the state. White people are one of the few people in the world that can abstract to such a level that they change all their habits if a trusted institution citing science they don't understand says so. Unfortunately this trust is being hijacked by people that absolutely hate us and want us killed off or blended into different racial groups. White people are being genocided.