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[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

How do you explain things like white flight?

The social programing is quite strong with many whites. When they leave a bad area that got bad because of blacks or hispanics they don't blame it on the genetics of the non whites. It's just a 'mismanaged' area. They might have cognitive dissonance but don't make have the lightbulb moment that people are just different. They know deep down that they would be ostracized for race realism so they don't let their internal identity travel to that realm.

Whites experience cognitive dissonance use a a lot of surrogates like 'politicians' 'lack of faith' or as I mentioned in my first comment they blame the other political party. If you're a race realism denier on the left you blame decades of economic greed and systemic racism from republicans. For leftist Republicans are just the old klan but hiding it very skillfully. If you're a race realism denier on the right you blame the leftist 'culture' 'lack of god' 'corrupt dem politicians' and of course 'they took our jobs!'. Race deniers on the right love to explain away race realism by just saying the blacks don't have good paying jobs and that's why they act the way they act. Or another trope: 'blacks don't have good father figures!' So there are a lot of fake justifications for keeping kosher. Most of all though people just are afraid of being called racist. White people are controlled in the west by the threat of being called a racist. It's nearly a death sentence. You lose your job, your friends, and frequently your spouse and kids. You can even get in legal trouble because some SJW starts going after you and it's easy to find a law you've broken because the legal system is corrupt and over written.

So this has the effect of turning the country into overly socialize people always afraid of offending. Right wingers who are more resiliant simply turn inward and don't socialize as much because they can't or won't learn all the new news speak that's required to function in big cities and large companies.

How do you see things in america now compared to 10/15 years ago?

It's been a parabolic curve of degeneracy, nihilism and confusion. The biggest decline is communication between people on the left and right. Even families are breaking up over these harsh political divisions. My leftist family member talk about right wingers (some who are blood) like they are cartoonish nazis ready to start shooting people. The media gaslighting is off the charts. I also see a big drop in productivity of people under 35 (and who can blame them?). Of course the general health of the nation has declined quite a bit as well in the last 15 years. Not just physical but emotional, and spiritual health.

Do you think our people are moving in the right direction towards our views?

Yes but we will probably need a significant event to move enough of them to make a real difference in the form of a third party and boycott group. I think that the dissident right outreach now is critical because there will come a time where we can't really communicate at all. That's why I do what I do. I truly believe oligarchs and their minions will start rounding us up in camps and or increasing political mass arrests like the one after January 6th. Of course they will blame all that on the dissidents getting violent but we all know that's just not the case. If dissidents don't go along with the plan their refusal will be framed as violence. We already see this priming with demonizing anti vaxxers and red flag laws related to guns.

It's a clusterfuck to say the least.

[–]arainynightinskyrim[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

It seems that whites instinctively still retain some sort of tribalism when they leave diverse areas and move towards ethnically pure areas, the question is, will this instinct prevail over the social conditioning when things get worse?

Are your family members aware of your views? What do they think of you?

Wouldn't rounding up people in camps cause a violent backlash? I think it's unlikely that they'll try something like this so soon.

[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It seems that whites instinctively still retain some sort of tribalism

Absolutely, and people that do become dissidents are STRONG tribalists because whites have a strong respect for the public space and a sense working for the long term gain of the community. This powerful tribalism is just subverted.

Are your family members aware of your views? What do they think of you?

Not really. My family is shrinking as well. Father passed away and when I was younger my family moved away from my extended family in pursuit of money. I see this trait in whites a lot more than other races. I do slowly feed some pill to my younger brother. With my mother I only work with her on media and politicians. I try to tell her the both are corporate sponsored and have anterior motives. She can't comprehend regulatory capture and widescale corruption. She has the mindset that if we do have corruption it's just a few bad apples. In her mind the big problem is the evil republicans who horde all the money and keep the poor in perpetual poverty. Immigration isn't on her radar even though in her career she was heavily exposed to the affects of illegal immigration. My mother is capable of holding onto an ideal for decades even though it doesn't fit reality. She's a classic bleeding heart liberal and eats up everything the liberal media tell her about evil republican leaders. To this day she thinks that Trump personally went to the border and locked little mexican children up in cages. It's doesn't matter what I tell her to the contrary. She just blocks it out. It's insane.

Wouldn't rounding up people in camps cause a violent backlash?

You'd think but I'm not so sure. We have like 400 January 6th protesters still in jail without bail or a swift trial. Nobody seems to be rioting over them. Many dissidents have been jailed. I'm not sure if you heard about the white mail boxing club called RAM. Those goys are still in jail. I think that at a certain point it might cause backlash but we don't seem to be to that point. We are a boiling frog. There probably would be more dissident protests and boycotts if they didn't strategically block, infiltrate and false flag our real life groups. It's very difficult to form real organizations as a dissident. The government uses it's intelligence agencies and countless other agencies, media and thinktanks to break up our organizational efforts. The amount of money and man power working to keep whites from racializing and exercising political power as a racial group is frighteningly powerful.

I think it's unlikely that they'll try something like this so soon.

I mean they have enough control of the media that they could round up people and most of the public would be unaware. Only the independent media would report on it. It's pretty likely that they aren't going to round people up on political pretense it's going to be on 'gun charges', 'racism' charges, 'terrorist' charges. They are going to continue to chip away at fundamental rights of right wingers and continue to look the other way when leftists commit violence against us. Dissident whites (which is quickly become ALL right wing whites) will get caught in a spot where they have policed violence from non whites and leftists on one hand and prison for organizing and defending themselves on the other. When it hits that point it's going to be chaos.