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[–]YJaewedwqewqClerical Fascist 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Incels are the male equivalent of a feminist, and vice versa. Both are retards who have been conned by an infectious dogma to hate the other sex and blame all theri issues on the members thereof.

That being said, both have points: In the modern day, women have become easy and vapid as a trend, and Negrification of society at large has deeply affected teenagers/young people and especially women among them due to girls that age being extremely social ( a trait that is giddily exploited by Jews and their ilk) and introduced knuckledragger-tier ideas into their heads, including incredibly retarded ideas about relationships.

As for feminists/Femcels, they have a point in that modern men often trend towards being effeminate and self-entitled. Most incels are soyboys who can barely lift a carton of milk. Even though I'm not a Greek statue made flesh (yet, one can hope) I can easily tell you that a chinless, muscle-less, skinnyfat autist who makes no attempt at self-improvement or socialization is not attractive, never has been, and never will be.

Overall the solution is simple: Eliminate drugs (the influx of them, not amping up Reaganoid "muh war on drugz n sheeit!!!") and negro garbage "culture", and heavily promote healthy ideas about sexual matters, health, and philosophy in general until it's fixed.