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[–]Node 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Thanks for this great reply. I have in fact made some shocking (to me) changes in my beliefs over the years after seeing things differently. I agree our thinking patterns can blind us to evidence for phenomena that seems 'very unlikely'.

I do reject flat earth, because you have to draw a line somewhere between what's real and what's a cognitive malfunction in some people's brains. Flatters in particular will never engage with ball earth concepts like seasons, the visual appearance of the moon, and such. Could the earth still be flat despite them effectively promoting ball earth? Sure, if flat earth were the biggest conspiracy in the history of our species, and hundreds of millions of our fellow humans were 'in on it'. I rate that as so unlikely that I outright reject it. But I would change my mind if presented with convincing evidence. (Maybe the 'weak-argument' flatters are evidence of the conspiracy?)

I've had many extended exchanges with the flatters, as I do have an interest in uncovering beliefs that may be wrong. America doesn't really have much of a history with trolls, giants, and dragons, so I don't know much about those.


the ancient Jewish tradition of mystical interpretation of the Bible, first transmitted orally and using esoteric methods (including ciphers). It reached the height of its influence in the later Middle Ages and remains significant in Hasidism.

As far as magic, the kabbalah, and mystical/spiritual phenomena go, I'm somewhat open to some level of 'all-are-one' interactions taking place, somehow, that haven't or can't be detected by 'science'. Different wavelengths of sound and light do have different effects on us. However, assigning numbers to letters by various schemes, then doing math with those numbers, seems more like human imagination, even if there were a basis in the powers of sound sequences. Now I am a little more curious about exactly what the kabbalah claims to be or do.

it is my IRL experience with jews that have made me very reluctant to alt right views.

IMO, the "alt-right" was an establishment maneuver to separate the kids from the actual right. And it was pretty successful.

The jew rabbit hole is a deep one, that branches out into innumerable convoluted side paths. If you skip their history, originations, associations, and the vast number of writings about them to just focus on current jew goals and behaviors, all you will find is massive red flags that block out the sun.

[–]DragonerneJesus is white 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

When I was a kid, I learned that vikings explored the Americas around 900ad, or something like this, and later that Columbus "discovered" the Americas in 1492. Denmark and England was basically, in a broad sense, the same Kingdom in this time span and it seems fully plausible that the elite knew about the Americas in all this time. This was my childhood speculation when I learned about it. I combined it with the story of flat earth, and it seemed like a perfect cover story to prevent other people from discovering the Americas. "The earth is flat, so don't sail in that direction".

After the explorations, Antarctica was removed from the maps, only to be "discovered" yet again much later. Maps have always to me since I was a kid had this function of hiding resources and known lands. Even adding fake islands to maps to confuse others and to spot copied maps.

Now with the flat earth hypothesis, what better way to limit the area of the world, than to curb a subset of the earth around a ball? If north is the middle of the map and south is every other direction, then antarctis is suddenly a much bigger "island" stretching all around us.

How did we move from geocentric to a heliocentric model? Tycho Brahe, the leading astronomer and a geocentrist, was poisened, likely by his assistance Kepler who then used Brahes data and observations to construct and support the heliocentric model.

Model is an important word, because model is not reality. Model is how we THINK the world is or works. It is not how we OBSERVE it. A model is a hypothesis about the world. A fantasy. A social construction (hehe). It is not observed reality.

So we start by the assumption that the earth is round and that it is a heliocentric system. From this axiom, we build our model. Whenever data does not fit the model, what do we then do? Do we reject the round earth model? No, we simply make adjustments to the model. We add gravity, we add dark matter, we add dark energy, we add relative time and relative space, we add quantum "alive and dead at the same time" physics, we keep adding adjustments every time the model fails. We never reject the model.

But go ahead and try to observe that the earth is round. You can't do that without assuming different unobserved models such as the distance to the stars/sun/moon. But what about pictures and photographs from space? We have none. None. Not a single one. They are all composites, photoshopped images. And the best part is that the continents vary in size and color on the different images of the earth :D

To believe in the round earth and space, we have to trust NASA, which is run by jews. Not to mention relativity by Einstein and Quantum theory by Bohr, 2 jews. Which replaced the aryan electromagtic Æther based physics. Einstein was rejected by most of his peers. We are talking some of the brightest minds ever, much greater than what we have produced in the past 50 years.

If you have data, many models can explain that data. If you want to take monopoly on technology, deceiving everyone else about the foundation of science is the way to go. A danish science team accidentally found out that by adding electromagnatism to the model they could explain away dark energy entirely, which is currently something like 70% of everything in our universe, last month. They were careful and stressed that they could be wrong and that much further works and testing needs to be done.

You can check out this guy:

200 proofs for the flat earth:

I am not trying to convince you that the earth is flat. I don't believe that myself, but I am not ready to reject it, because my own understanding of the round earth relies on faith/belief in a jewish system that I cannot verify for myself.

In university in Denmark, and I assume it is the same around the world, we are taught what I consider a faulty scientific method. For one the hypothesis rejection method relies on a null hypothesis, which is assumed to be that X and Y is the same unless proven otherwise. In practice, X and Y is assumed to be the same, even if the null hypothesis hasn't been proven. This is what is causing sociology to assume that people /races are the same and EVEN when proven wrong, they REJECT the new hypothesis, because they ASSUME that the null hypothesis is true. The model MUST be true and if data rejects the model, then the model is adjusted. "Everyone is the same" is the null hypothesis model, so if data rejects that model, then adjustments must be added to the model, forexample you must correct for income, for age, for religion, for ABC parameter, endless regression of adjustments, because the model cannot be rejected, because it is assumed to be true.
For two, and also the new branches of epistomology like postmodernism. They introduced sophistry into maths. They are brilliant. We need a 150 years return to basics.

What most don't realize is that most of our inventions today rely on discoveries that are 150 years old. The amount of new is very small, unlike what we are being told.

I went kind of all around, haha, sorry about that. I tried to keep a red line but it is a big topic.

[–]Node 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Firstly, this was my youtube tab I used to look for the link below. Hope you like how it fits into this context. :)

That guy in the first video has some decent misdirection skills. Another flatter this morning was using that idea that airplanes have to fly nose down to avoid flying out into space concept. But I'm a pilot... He could probably make some money with those skills if he did street hustling.

Couldn't understand his "English" about the bridge, but a long enough straight section over water could provide definitive proof one way or the other. Measure down to the water at each end, then use a level laser to check for curvature. This would be the only proof the flatters would need. None of those "ships mast" stories enhance their credibility, as they're just an avoidance of science.

Agreed that X and Y are different.

Of the 6-7 flatters I've seriously engaged, not a single one would touch the arguments in the debunking videos in this playlist below. Note that 'professor dave' is a bit of a douche, and is probably popular on reddit, but imo he crushes the flatters beyond any hope of recovery.

This is a debunking playlist, with flat earth debunkings mixed in. The two "10 things flatters say/10 challenges for flatters" videos near the top are good. Then the four-part "Destroying Flat Earth Without Using Science" series is great. If you're at all curious about the pro-ball earth science, I'd recommend watching all of these. Try to ignore his personality. lol

The first video (globebusters) is a 'debate' of sorts, but the flatters are too weak and irrational to be worth watching. If there is such a thing as a professional flat earther, I'd love to see them debate this guy, but that would essentially be a suicide.

[–]DragonerneJesus is white 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Measure down to the water at each end, then use a level laser to check for curvature.

They have already done that multiple times. The problem is that lasers "curve" in the air according to mainstream science. Your test would not reveal any curvature.

I never got the argument with the fly nose down either. Assuming the earth is round, why would you need to put your nose down? It makes no sense. Higher layers are less dense, so you would automatically curve with no need for a correction. As a pilot, have you ever seen the earth curve? With your own eyes?

Of the 6-7 flatters I've seriously engaged, not a single one would touch the arguments in the debunking videos in this playlist below.

The first video is basically him debunking by assuming the round earth model to be true. He is not doing any experiments to demonstrate a round earth. Do you get the difference? Not trying to be condescending, so I hope you don't take it as such but it is an important distinction and it is one where most of these "debunks" go wrong.

This video engages with your "two things flatters say".

There is a response to the 10 challenges to flatters on bitchute but I haven't watched it so I can't say if it is any good and it is several hours long. I don't know the channel either.

Is there a specific round earth argument or two that you think is very especially convincing?

If there is such a thing as a professional flat earther, I'd love to see them debate this guy, but that would essentially be a suicide.

Does Dave ever, in any of the videos, demonstrate that the earth curves?