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[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

Lol. Ok. I've lost a lot of faith in Tucker since he cucked during Stop the Steal. However, calling him a zionist is a stretch. Did you not watch the show last month where he called out the ADL and Israel for the blatant hypocrisy on american border policy?? Here's the thread on it.

That show was easily the most anti zionist segment on mainstream media in 20 years. If Tucker is a gatekeeper he's not doing the best job. He might just end up being a gateway. I can guarantee you a lot of normie conservatives watched those two segments and put two and two together. Tucker also didn't back down when the ADL bullied him for the first show.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Part 3

The probability of Eric Hufschmid's connection to Rupert Murdoch is less than the chance of winning the jackpot in relatively difficult lotteries such as Mega Millions in the US. The probability of Christopher Bollyn's connection to Rupert Murdoch is less than the chance of being struck by lightning (over a 20-year period). These associations pre-date 2002, which is when Hufschmid and Bollyn claim to have started their five years of collaboration. They are both proven liars, who perform as Zionist assets. And the fact that they behave precisely as would be expected of Zionist internet provocateurs, by employing COINTELPRO tactics and propagating carefully chosen disinformation, confirms that their relationship with the Murdoch family is no coincidence. When it walks like a Judas Goat and bleats like a Judas Goat, it generally is a Judas Goat. When two suspected Judas Goats not only act like Judas Goats but have an otherwise highly improbable association with Judas Goats, then they are Judas Goats.

And lastly, here's a little more info on Carlson:

Netanyahu tweeted June 7th 2019:

Great meeting with >@TuckerCarlson today. big >supporter of Israel! 🇺🇸🇮🇱 > — Yair Netanyahu 🇮🇱 >(@YairNetanyahu) June 7, 2019

Anyone promoting Tucker like it is their job or Flynn for that matter must then love Israel and the Likud or is ignorant of this fact. Real nationalism means NOT supporting foreign countries with trillions in aid, especially not ones that were founded on terror and orchestrated 9/11 [with US help] as well as the USS Liberty among other things.


...defend 'Murica against who?

Flynn co-authored a book with Michael Ledeen entitled, 'The Field of Fight : How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies.'

Sounds straight out of the Likudnik playbook.

Ledeen, a notorious ZioCon was and still is at the very heart of the Zionist network that tricked the USA into fighting and paying for Israel's wars after Israel did 9/11 against the real USA for that aim.

How Flynn does not know this is not beyond me, because he does know this.

Their book 'The Field of Fight' claims that 'Murica is under attack from leftists [similarly; Frank Gaffney, a zionist jew is also re-branding himself under the pro-CONstitution authority of the faux republicans against the scapegoat leftist agenda like Tucker Cuckson].

'The Field of Fight' was published shortly after Trump was inaugurated, when Trump sold out to the Saudis after hinting before his election as POTUS that he knew the Saudis did 9/11. [The then declassified the 28 pages, merely a limited hangout Cass Sunstein trail that protects Israel and the Likud.]

Flynn came to prominence by releasing a report that claimed that Islamic State was deliberately created by the Obama administration to isolate President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. I would not be surprised if this was true because it fits perfectly into everything else we know about the war in Syria. [But it was likely the intelligence apparatus and CIA that did this, and as we know they continue to give arms to sunni extremists under the Trump administration!]

But did Flynn release this for the Zionists to blame Obama who the Zionists detest because he brokered the Iran nuclear deal? Apparently Flynn is a Zionist, and hates Obama and Clinton.

I do not trust Flynn. He must know who Ledeen is. His fellow 'patriots' must know who Ledeen is and how he helped to trick the USA into war for Israel.

The left dem/neoliberals are playing the scapegoats in a PsyOp where the ZioCon 9/11 Perps, such as Frank Gaffney tell us to Join their side against the scary faux commies and let FREEDOM RING! That's the stupid narrative I'm seeing.

This is what you hear coming out of the mouths of the ZioCon ethno-nationalist dual-Israelis in US government and think tanks who helped to destroy America:

A ardent Trump supporter and MAGA Zionist stated:

We are in the middle of a "Color Revolution" to destroy America. You must share this thread with everyone you know. The only people who can stop the revolution are We the People.

To destroy America? The greatest wealth transfer in human history and corporate amalgamation of small businesses has occurred and we are talking about a revolution here? Of what? BLM? America was destroyed 150 years ago and ZioCons have officially taken over.

We are left with this statement:

Stop being passive and deceived. Take action.

Of course that action is to get out and vote for ZioCon trump who is a latitudinarian constructionist and spits on the constitution. Frank Gaffney, was part and parcel in the maiming and killing of 3,000 Americans on 9/11 and another million in foreign countries based on the 9/11 false flag pretext. All this war debt is then mortgaged to unborn generations, your children and children's children. Conservatives are being fooled.

Frank Gaffney writes:

Rich Higgins is one of our nation’s most astute and skilled political warfare specialists. We are on notice: The revolution is underway and ending our constitutional republic, our freedoms and many of our lives is the perpetrators’ goal. And its realization is now in prospect.

LOL, the US is a corporation and the constitution has not applied to any citizen since the civil war. In fact the 'continuance of governance bill' pushed by ZioCons like Gaffney, Kirstol, Libby and other trotskyites, turned "I'll do anything for Israel my motherland," has effectively destroyed the constitution. And here's Gaffney telling us that BLM and a bunch of blacks and leftists are destroying the constitution. Useful idiots in a grander plan.

Frank is a neocon warmonger who blamed 9/11 and the the bombing in Oklahoma on Iraq.

He is a member of the Zionist organization of America and a contributing author of the ZioCon authored Project for the New American Century which planned 9/11 as a catalyst for the Yinon Global War on Terror charade.

ZioCons are hijacking the Nationalist anti-war movement.

As they have always done, evidenced by Michael Collins Piper in his book 'Judas Goats.'

I now wonder if Frank Gaffney was ever interviewed by Tucker Carlson? Anyone care to research this? Hmmm.

In conclusion, their agenda is to utilize the leftist scapegoat agenda to impose 'Law and Order.' They would like you to believe that the US is in the middle of a color revolution; specifically, done by lefitst, BLM, Muslims (the pro-Iran faction, not the pro-Saudi faction) and immigrants, and nobody else, even though Israel and Saudi Arabia with a Zionist faction in the USA did 9/11.

This is the precise propaganda line that Infowhores and Paul "neocon" Watson are now propagandizing after several years of blaming Israel, Saudi Arabia and US intels. for 9/11, wars and terror.

Gatekeeping the narrative! As long as they can control the narratives, like Bollyn, they can willingly expose themselves and their agendas or merely hijack whatever narrative they feel is advantageous to their cause.

Their fruits and words tell a very different story, a story that is more akin to gatekeeping. Take for an example, Mr. David Duke.

David "I'm a KKK member which was founded by a Zionist named Baruch; also I get airtime on CNN to espouse my views, I'm totally legit" Duke believes that the Jews run the world. All Jews?

Here is Duke on the Jews:




And here is Duke endorsing Donald Trump:

MakeAmericaGreatAgain >#TrumpDuke2016 >

David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) 14 May 2016

But here is the dilemma for David Duke:

    1. Duke thinks the Jews run the world;
    1. Duke endorses Trump.
    1. Endorser of Zionist multi-lateralist Eurasianist Zionist congress Dugin.
  • On another note, the 'anti-Jew' author Lyndon LaRouche also praised World Jewish Congress president Nathum Goldman, a multilateralist and has connections to David Duke. Something is definitely amuck with these grifters.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Part 2

Jones in the early 2000's often mentioned that Zionists and Israel had a hand in 9/11. Such a weird sentence to write because now he is the biggest Zionist shill I've ever seen. How can you go from exposing 9/11 and even mentioning the Zionist criminals who orchestrated 9/11 to supporting and funding them and their eurasianist counterparts such as Drumpf and Dugin?

Okay, so these connections are odd, no? Well it gets weirder...

As I've mentioned above, two suspected Zionist infiltrators come on to the anti-Zionist 9/11 truth scene within a year of 9/11, both collaborate for years after 9/11 - from 2002 to 2007 at least, and both are using a standard COINTELPRO tactic from the 1960s. Both of them are proven liars who promote disinformation and are a liability to the truth movement. And it turns out that both of these Judas Goats are connected to billionaire Zionist media mogul Rupert Murdoch.

According to attorney Brian Glick, the FBI used four basic methods for their COINTELPRO of the 1960s: Infiltration by agents and informers, psychological warfare from the outside, harassment through the legal system, and extralegal force and violence. His book War At Home: Covert Action Against U.S. Activists and What We Can Do About It has the following description for infiltration (page 10):

  • 1. Infiltration: Agents and informers did not merely spy on political activists. Their main purpose was to discredit and disrupt. Their very presence served to undermine trust and scare off potential supporters. The FBI and police exploited this fear to smear genuine activists as agents.

Glick points out how agents accuse genuine activists of the very deceptions that agents are themselves guilty of.

  • Covert Manipulation to Make A Legitimate Activist Appear to be an Agent: An actual agent will often point the finger at a genuine, non-collaborating and highly-valued group member, claiming that he or she is the infiltrator.

Eric Hufschmid (collaborator of Bollyn)

Here is his photo; just think Bollyn collaborated with this guy; looks like a Mossad agent:

Eric is Jewish, and as I've mentioned above is the half-brother of Kathryn Murdoch née Hufschmid, a public relations executive and Director of Strategy & Communications at the Clinton Foundation's Clinton Climate Initiative, who married James Murdoch in June 2000, Rupert Murdoch's son and heir apparent who joined News Corporation in 1996 and was placed in charge of its internet operations!!!

  • Hufschmid promotes bogus conspiracy theories such as "Paul McCartney was killed and replaced with an impostor", thereby tarnishing the reputation of those who provide information about real conspiracies. very much like Flat Earth, JFK faked his death and the Mandella effect.

  • around July 2007, created and distributed a CD-ROM featuring pornographic images!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See here WARNING NSFW photos:

The images below are from a CD ROM that Eric Hufschmid sent to a friend of mine. Some of the images contained on this CD ROM are of an extreme hardcore pornographic nature.

PlanetQuo has reproduced these images in evidence of what is contained within the CD ROMs that Eric Hufschmid sends to his supporters to "copy and distribute."

  • as of 2010, writes about his experiences with, and 'research' into, "liquid farts", thereby serving as a heavy liability and severe embarrassment to the anti-Zionist and 9/11 truth movements.

  • Hufschmid, like Bollyn, freely appeared on CNN! That told me right away they were agents. In January, 2006 Hufschmid appeared on CNN on the Connie Bryan show. He presents himself as a hero against the Jewish crime network... by working for the same Jewish crime network??? Lol.

  • Ernst Zundel is one of many people who Eric Hufschmid has accused of being a Zionsit agent ... lol.

What Bollyn collaborator Hufscmhd is telling us is that Zundel and Dr. Tobin are secretly working for the Jews. Tobin spent several months in jail and Zundel several years; Zundel also when the 2nd tower was demolished claimed that Mossad and the CIA did it. Do you believe what Hufschmid says? Do you think he just made a “minor error.”

Hufschmid actually suggests that the Rothschilds are an innocent banking family that is just now beginning to wake up to the fact that they're being blamed for the failing economies around the world; sort of like two users i know on saiditit do.

Remember, these Zionsits and their agents build eachother up and tear eacother down as part of their disinformation campaign.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Part 1

I have written and posted many exposes on Tucker "cabalist-Zionist" Carlson; he is, indeed, a self-admitted Zionist. Just search my posts on him. He wore the Cabalist bracelet on many occasions. I trust nobody but God through the power of Christ in this fallen naturalist world ruled by Cabalists, of which Carlson is one.

I sent you info on Christopher Bollyn and Owen Benjamin (Smith) too, did you read it or skip over it? I think if you were to better understand that some of the most anti-Zionist 9/11 researchers are actually working for the bad guys, them might be far easier for you to research and see for sure id Carlson's grifting game-plan represents your agenda or those that hand him a script.

Furthermore, half-Jew Owen Benjamin (Smith) who says the Jews are at fault, 'forgetting' the fact that he literally works and is friends with the most prolific Zionist Jew 9/11 perpetrators. The random chance of this is slim to none.

Take, for example, 'Anti-Zionist' Christopher Bollyn. Sure he writes a decent book, albeit with poor writing, concerning the perpetrators behind 9/11, conveniently leaving out Rabbi Dov Zakhiem and other perpetrators but did you ever stop to question who Bollyn really was? I sure at first did not. I know who Tucker represents but how about a hero like Bollyn?

First, for comparison; Carlson was a trust fund kid whose father worked for Voice of America. Tucker used his father's 'success' to write for neocon Jew and 9/11 perp. William Kristol's magazine 'The Weekly Standard' where Carlson deliberately wrote articles covering-up Elliot Abrams crimes concerning Iran Contra. Tucker also shilled for all the wars and called 9/11 skeptics kooks. But one might contend that Tucker has changed... that he is different! Yeah, I could say the same about Frank Gaffney and David Horowitz too, they still are grifting criminals shilling for Israel and stigmatizing muslims as always and, of course, trying hard to racialize whites and twisting Christianity under the banner of Zionism, no matter how hard they try to push their anti-Marxist, anti-BLM, pro-constitution rhetoric to charm us with.

Half-Jew Michael Hoffman said that:

Tucker Carlson is anti-Israel."

Hoffman appears to be a gatekeeper, especially with his idiotic book about Hitler losing the war on purpose. As for Tucker, well, the Jew media outrage about the anti-Semitic' memer and pro-Jew Yair Netanyahu, son of Benjamin Netanyahu, who racializes whites under banner of Zionism thinks otherwise!

Here's Tucker with BASED Yair Netanyahu, posting BASED anti-Jew memes:

Zionists playing both sides; both Wokism, cancel culture, and all the rest to provide their desired solution.

Tucker is a cabalist:

My advice is to not fall into the 'Israel is entho based' trap. Whilst the Zionists racialize 'whites' under the banner of Zionism by manufacturing progressive Zionist red-herring narratives, through 'DEM-controlled media', they are simultaneously trying to destroy caucasians and Christianity.

And what about a prolific anti-Zionist like Christopher Bollyn? He's more of a hero than Carlson, certainly he never covered-up the crimes of the neocon Jew, Elliot Abrams?

  • Bollyn is the son of a woman who worked as governess for the Farish family and took care of the young William S. Farish III, a Pilgrims Society member and friend of the Bush family and the British royal family with a host of exotic intelligence contacts has a Jewish sister, Karin (Bollyn) Epstein, who in 2001 was a trustee of the Temple Solel synagogue in Paradise Valley, Arizona, the mission of which included "fostering a love of Israel"

  • was an altar boy in the Episcopal Church, and went to the Middle East in 1975, including living in a kibbutz in Israel around the time of the 1976 restructuring of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem

  • married an Israeli military intelligence officer in an arrangement that provided her with US citizenship in 1983, when she wanted to live in Santa Monica within three miles of the Rand Corporation, within a year of Israel lobbyist Steven J. Rosen having had secret industrial security clearance to CIA contracts at the Rand Corporation, and thereby probably at a time when other agents of Israel had access to classified material there or were attempting to gain access

  • met billionaire Zionist media mogul Rupert Murdoch and his family around 1988, skiing with them for half an hour, when Murdoch's second wife (from 1967-1999), the mother of James Murdoch, was Anna (Maria) Torv (Murdoch Mann) whose father Jacob was from Estonia

  • married again in 1995 following the 1983 - 1985 marriage of convenience; his second wife is Helje Kaskel who was born and educated in Estonia

  • tracked anti-Zionist, nationalist author and writer for The Spotlight Michael Collins Piper in 1994 and 1997 whilst working together with Helje Kaskel, the first occasion being more than two months before Kaskel's first husband - rock star Urmas Alender - was killed in a ferry disaster

  • worked in the Remote Access department of IBM Global Network Services, which trained people in electronic hacking and employed others to gain physical entry to office buildings by deception, as the Murdochs' media empire employed voicemail hackers and bribed police for information

  • was brought to The Spotlight in 2000 by Jerry Myers, a self-described Khazar (the Neanderthal-Caucasoid tribe from which Ashkenazi so-called "Jews" are descended)

  • was in New York City on 9/11, one year into his new career as a "journalist"

  • collaborated for years - from 2002 to 2007 - with Eric Hufschmid, whose half-sister Kathryn, a public relations executive, is Director of Strategy & Communications at the Clinton Foundation's Clinton Climate Initiative and married James Murdoch in June 2000, Rupert Murdoch's son and heir apparent who joined News Corporation in 1996 and was placed in charge of its internet operations

  • is evidently "protected at the highest levels" and was "visited regularly by an individual or individuals bearing license plates that cannot be traced" as evidenced by now deceased Michael Collins Piper.

  • dialled 911 to call the police out to his home in August 2006 on some pretext about a "suspicious" car, then became belligerent and went to go into his home whilst making statements implying he was about to get a weapon, the motive being to get himself arrested and possibly Tasered so he could present himself as a "target" of the crooked elite, who in reality promote and protect him

  • frequently lies, e.g. alleges he was told to "drink from the toilet" after he got himself arrested, "the Liberty Lobby" (publisher of The Spotlight and forerunner of American Free Press) "is actually owned and controlled by a Zionist Jew named Mark Lane", and Michael Piper has been "attacking" him "since December 2001"

  • makes allegations and conducts a fear and smear campaign against anti-Zionists based on demonstrably deliberate lies (Mark Lane, who was described as "anti-Zionist" in a 1983 book co-authored by Zionist Jew Steven J. Rosen)

I could go on and I think I will... yes, I have all of Bollyn's books, but he hasn't posted anything in a year or two. His wife is Israeli, and Bollyn worked on a Kibbutz in Israel for many years before working for IBM. His wife loves Trump and she often posts his tweets, when he had a twitter, on her social media. Weird, considering Trump is a ZIonist and pardoned some of the biggest 9/11 Zionsit criminals. Why would Bollyn support Trump? Sure he may have seemed indecisive... his wife possibly nudging him, but put all the other coincidences into the picture and things start to make sense.

We also know Adam Green (the most prolific anti-Zionist griifter) who often had on Bollyn, use to work at ViaSat whose largest headquarters is in Tel Aviv where Adam Green just so happened to travel freely with Jake MorephonyKibbutz, a self-admitted Freemason, to meet some Jews. When Adam started calling out Alex Jones as a Zionist agent and just after Adam left that company, Viasat was delving in DevOps!!! Adam also was pro-Alex Jones for quite sometime before turning on him. Adam Green is also a cousin of the Manning brothers... yes, the Football stars. The Manning brothers are pro-Israel and were featured with Trump in many commercials. Coincidence? You decide. Sure he puts out good stuff, when he isn't talking about the bible and scapegoating Christianity, but what has he done? Anything for his community?

[–]DragonerneJesus is white 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

If you dig into my background, you could dismiss everything I have to say too. It is almost impossible to be near the top of the pyramid without having jewish connections.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

No, the chance of you being connected to 9/11 perps and shilling for them is close to none.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Did you not watch the show last month where he called out the ADL and Israel for the blatant hypocrisy on american border policy?

Bollyn also said 9/11 was done by Zionists and presented allmover the country. Turns out he comes from the same tribe. I don't trust any of them and he will always be a Netanyahu supporter, for that reason, he needs to leave the US.