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[–][deleted] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Yes, If I was Japanese I would deport you for being a race traitor and coward. Your presence in Japan would be an example of the subversion itself unless you are a tourist.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

How can I be a traitor when I was born into this world with an unfair disadvantage? It was Boomers before me who got to live in a majority White country and enjoy all its benefits before they turned around and sold it off. Add other factors like the 2008 market crash and now the Covid-19 pandemic that guarantee we can never retire peacefully or have time to start a family. I had zero control over this.

Your presence in Japan would be an example of the subversion itself unless you are a tourist.

But I'm not coming to undermine Japanese culture, but to serve as an actual warning of how other nations can fall and explain my first hand experience. Just like how Rhodesians who moved to South Africa or the UK are not traitors. They had to flee for their own safety.

[–][deleted] 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

How can I be a traitor when I was born into this world with an unfair disadvantage?

Nobody is born to have an equal and fair life.

It was Boomers before me who got to live in a majority White country and enjoy all its benefits before they turned around and sold it off.

Boomers were in high school when the civil rights movement kicked off. They may have perpetuated the problems of their parents but they were not in power when major societal changes happened in the United States and other western countries.

It is unhealthy to blame boomers when they lived a life where their were only five television channels. Our generations are fortunate to have the Internet, back then you had to go out of your way to find dissident opinions at a dusty library, used book store or knew someone that was already a owner of dissident books or a subscriber of a newsletter. Most people are not on the fringes of politics and just regurgitate the mainstream narratives. Most people in our circles knew by now you can't red pill all of the normies. Political change is a slow process that takes a dedicated minority constantly advocating for its self to get the numbers to change a societal opinion on a political issue.

Add other factors like the 2008 market crash and now the Covid-19 pandemic that guarantee we can never retire peacefully or have time to start a family. I had zero control over this.

Peace is abnormal in human history. Rough times, conflict and war is often the norm for a good portion of human history.

But I'm not coming to undermine Japanese culture, but to serve as an actual warning of how other nations can fall and explain my first hand experience. Just like how Rhodesians who moved to South Africa or the UK are not traitors. They had to flee for their own safety.

It is cowardly because you are moving to a foreign country to live a leisurely life instead of starting a family in your homeland and living through the storm or contributing to groups that will make positive changes for White people.

[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Nobody is born to have an equal and fair life.

So what do you call the Elite Class or even Royalty? Or the fact these very same people get to live in gated communities, far away from society they actively prey upon? Even when we play by the same rules, the Elites are not willing to share an ounce of power that was given to them at birth. The perfect example of this was when ordinary folks got into stock trading earlier this year, using the same loopholes as Wall Street to get rich. Yet the reaction to this was predictable.

Boomers were in high school when the civil rights movement kicked off. They may have perpetuated the problems of their parents but they were not in power when major societal changes happened in the United States and other western countries.

It is unhealthy to blame boomers when they lived a life where their were only five television channels. Our generations are fortunate to have the Internet, back then you had to go out of your way to find dissident opinions at a dusty library, used book store or knew someone that was already a owner of dissident books or a subscriber of a newsletter. Most people are not on the fringes of politics and just regurgitate the mainstream narratives. Most people in our circles knew by now you can't red pill all of the normies. Political change is a slow process that takes a dedicated minority constantly advocating for its self to get the numbers to change a societal opinion on a political issue.

Boomers willingly built businesses that hired immigrant labor over native citizens. They lived to depress wages and hoard up real estate while many 18 year olds are completely pushed out from ever owning a home and instead, are forced to live with their parents. Having the internet doesn't matter when opinions like this message board are forced to exist on alternate media. Meanwhile, go back to a library in the 1960s or even the 1980s, and there was no fear of being "cancelled" for reading the wrong stuff.

Peace is abnormal in human history. Rough times, conflict and war is often the norm for a good portion of human history.

It's also abnormal to see productivity rising but wages completely stagnated.

Other abnormalities also include the price of housing or paying for school. Either it's too expensive, or the market has been saturated with too many degrees fighting over the same job opening.

It is cowardly because you are moving to a foreign country to live a leisurely life instead of starting a family in your homeland and living through the storm or contributing to groups that will make positive changes for White people.

As long as Western Taxes exist, any contributions you make are negatively impacted by the government using it to fund their own propaganda. For example, is it not tax dollars that make it possible to send money to Israel? Or fund the military that bombs foreign countries? Or hire teachers who are paid to create new class curriculums based on Social Justice? All of these are indefensible in my eyes.

If I had to pay taxes, then at least it would go towards a better cause in Japan. It's non-interventionist and the money is actually used to uplift citizens instead of being designed to hurt them.

[–][deleted] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

So what do you call the Elite Class or even Royalty? Or the fact these very same people get to live in gated communities, far away from society they actively prey upon? Even when we play by the same rules, the Elites are not willing to share an ounce of power that was given to them at birth. The perfect example of this was when ordinary folks got into stock trading earlier this year, using the same loopholes as Wall Street to get rich. Yet the reaction to this was predictable.

Yes, what the elites do is unfair but it still is unhealthy to expect fairness to be handed to anyone. If change is to happen, people have to be proactive in fighting and demanding for change. Elites can get away with it because the people are non threatening and unwilling to do what it takes to remove them from power. People need to stop being outraged and actually channel that energy that is constructive to changing things.

Boomers willingly built businesses that hired immigrant labor over native citizens. They lived to depress wages and hoard up real estate while many 18 year olds are completely pushed out from ever owning a home and instead, are forced to live with their parents. Having the internet doesn't matter when opinions like this message board are forced to exist on alternate media. Meanwhile, go back to a library in the 1960s or even the 1980s, and there was no fear of being "cancelled" for reading the wrong stuff.

That is true, but people today are not proactive in holding their politicians accountable either. They don't stand outside of their house and force them to resign or keep protesting when a shitty bill in congress is passed. People just don't have the money or are willing to take the sacrifices necessary to be political.

It's also abnormal to see productivity rising but wages completely stagnated.

I am not a defender capitalism, I think the state should be in control of large industries that mass produce goods, obtain natural resources, etc. Most jobs are fake and don't really need to exist if the state was organized around the common good. I think people should still have the option to open a small business and own a reasonable amount of private property.

As long as Western Taxes exist, any contributions you make are negatively impacted by the government using it to fund their own propaganda. For example, is it not tax dollars that make it possible to send money to Israel? Or fund the military that bombs foreign countries? Or hire teachers who are paid to create new class curriculums based on Social Justice? All of these are indefensible in my eyes.

The only option in changing that is to tolerate it, become political or make money under the table. It is reprehensible but I don't think everyone should move to a foreign country unless they need to seek asylum. If you are going have children, you might want to consider home schooling.

[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Japan doesn't want you or need you, white man. Leave the Japanese alone. They deserve a homogenous homeland as well.