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[–]casparvoneverecBig tiddy respecter 7 insightful - 3 fun7 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 3 fun -  (2 children)

The French left displays in full colors the bankruptcy of leftism, particularly the old school ones. Commies enjoy huge institutional support in the west despite their tales of a neoliberal conspiracy against them.

They are allowed on mainstream media, allowed to have openly communist publications and media sites, they are not censored on social media, they are allowed to hold public rallies and fundraisers, and they dominate academia.

Karl Marx is in fact the most cited author in the US. The DSA recieves sponsors and lavish funding from rich donors and their members are allowed into the democratic party with pomp and splendor(AOC). There's no reprecussions for being a communist in the US. If anything, there are benefits. Look at John Brennan, the former director the CIA. He was once a member of the US communist party. But this didn't impede his career slightest. If anything, it boosted it.

Contrast this to the nationalist right whose persecution hovers between Tsarist suppression of communists to Bolsheviks mass murder of Tsarists. As time goes on, the opression is increasingly veering towards the bolshevik end of the spectrum.

Yet despite all this generous support and funding, they have little to no purchase on the ballot box. The lefties can only muster a meager 11% in opinion polls and that too is almost exclusively negroes and arabs who (accurately) sees them as white traitors

In contrast, the RN despite fierce persecution by the French legal system, slander by the media and blacklisting by the financial system, manages to become top polling party at 28%.

Forget having the same benefits as commies, if the RN simply wasn't persecuted by the legal system and financial system, they'd probably be running government by now.

The age of the left has come and gone. Their marxist utopia failed in Eastern Europe and China while their western counterparts abandoned the working class for anal beads and tranny hookers.

This astroturfed movment simply has no place in modern society. Lefties still pretend as if its the age of early industrialism where people starved and died of poverty and kids worked in the coal mines of wales.

In this age of material comfort, industrial society is more than just tolerable. Its comfortable. And as election after election shows, its shared blood and culture that moves people at the ballot boxes. A shared tax bracket is no basis for an identity.

Bernie offered free gibs to America and was stackwiped by Biden who promoted militant negro nationalism.

The communist/socialist left is simply a political non-entity in the modern age. Neoliberals are the only lefties in town. Their ideology of open borders, free trade, negrolatry, sexual license and self-gratification is what appeals to the left wing voting base.

And all this doesn't even mention the intellectual destitution of the left. Their solution to anything and everything is to tax it. Big tech overreach? Tax it. Eroding manufacturing base? Tax corporations. Wall street rigging the financial system? Tax it.

It doesn't simply enter into the brains of these numb skulls that the rich can easily avoid taxes by moving wealth abroad or setting up front companies. And even if they were forced to pay taxes, it still wouldn't solve the problem of control.

Mark Zuckerberg would still own facebook and decide what a billion people sses or hears. The kikes at google could still rig elections by pushing pro-liberal news to the front. Twitter could still censor elected officials. Corporations could still bully states into accepting their social values.

All these dimunitive losers can think of is passing taxes....

[–]SamiAlHayyidGrand Mufti Imam Sheikh Professor Al Hadji Dr. Sami al-Hayyid 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

That those who hold power use this same power to tell us that they have no power is one of the strangest things about the general Left. They're still playing victim when the 'oppressors' are older versions of themselves. Most of the leading Democrats—the 'community organizer' Obama, H. Clinton and Sanders most notably—were the 1960s-70s version of the Salem and Portland 'peaceful protesters'. Then they started wearing suits and ties, made some compromises with capitalism while pushing some Leftist reforms like welfare, Affirmative Action, etc. and otherwise focused chiefly on their social agendas. Hence, 'woke capitalism'.

I think the French Left is actually very powerful, but divided, which gives the Right an edge. Last election you could see PS under Hamon trying to swing back Left again, moving PS back towards Melenchon's space. Then you have the Greens who are making large gains on the lower-level elections. Then there's a whole heap of crazy parties like the once-powerful PCF and the 'New Anticapitalist Party' further dividing up the vote. Although there is some fracturing in the RN/Le Pen camp it seems like there are generally much less choices for the Right, hence more unity.

I also agree about the general thing about the economic Left being 'obsolete' to the masses. Marx wrote in a time when even he was noticing a drastic increase in abundance, but he could not have possibly foreseen the sheer superabundance of the contemporary West. Marxism has no appeal when normies are simply prioritizing self-actualization through satisfying material needs/wants. Ergo, 'pure Marxists' acting like it's still 1848, when there is still child labour and every man spends all day doing menial work in a factory owned by some bourgeois, just seem totally out of place in the post-industrial economy where plenty of people are self-employed and machines are doing most of the hard labour. A few Marxists have seen this, the 'tankie' types obviously haven't. They want to go back to the time when the Left wasn't as soy-fuelled... not seeing that 'woke capitalism' is probably just a natural development in Leftism rather than an aberration that could be undone. Contemporary normie life isn't about hard labour. It's about the 9-5 rat-race followed by a whole lot of television, porn, vidya games, partying and social media.

Having spent a lot of time looking at some quantitative voter statistics of Leftist parties in a few Western countries, 'economic Leftism' still has immense popularity with their voter bases. I don't think the 'economic Left' is yet a spent force. Yet 'woke capitalism' has some profound effects on the Left—capitalist stances like 'free trade' have become immensely popular where many Leftist parties once opposed them more than the Right. Of course, there is a Left-capitalist nexus on this issue. Leftists want free trade because they see protectionism as exclusionary, capitalists want free trade for self-explanatory reasons. They complement each-other very well.

Spot on about the 'intellectual destitution'. A hundred years ago it seemed that the Left was too intellectual and distanced from the 'normies' as a result. Now the Left is now in some ways opposite—completely 'lumpenified'. It is now the Right that has become vastly more intellectual—content creators like the EBL people are borderline impenetrable.

[–]EthnocratArcheofuturist[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think the French Left is actually very powerful

Why do you think that? It used to be very powerful decades ago, but now it's a shell of its former self. Their electorate has collapsed, and their cultural hegemony is being subverted by the identitarian right. The French left is fading into irrelevance.