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[–]SamiAlHayyidGrand Mufti Imam Sheikh Professor Al Hadji Dr. Sami al-Hayyid 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

This. Generally the Right prefers civility and construction, which is why you get very little in the way of Rightist graffiti or vandalism. On the other hand, practically every sizeable Western city (parts of Lisbon and Marseilles being some examples I'm aware of) is covered with miscreant's scrawlings, of "ACAB", "Antifa", the old hammer and sickle, "Fuck 12" and whatever else happens to be in vogue on the activist Left at the current time. There are absolutely no 'Right-wing' counterparts to these slogans. I have never seen a spray-painted swastika in real-life, for example, despite the obvious Left-wing retort obviously being: "Oh yeah, well what about the swastika then!?"

The Left is far more destructive and prone to violence than the Right. The only thing that stops them from a full-scale revolt is how utterly "lumpenified" they have become. But if a shooting match starts and Republicans (irrespective of who starts it) start shooting back, the police/military will soon be fighting right alongside the Antifa militias. Sure, both institutions will probably experience defections, but on the institutional level they'll stick with the Left/state against the Right/opposition in any shooting match. It is simply delusional to believe that if the Left/state come, for example, to seize everyone's weapons, or if Antifa start invading the homes of Republicans en masse, that the military will simply launch a coup because they're "really on our side". They aren't. They're on the side of whomever is in power, pays their wages, and is the safest bet all round.