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[–]Erasmus 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

We can't long march through the institutions like our enemies did but there may be a different multi-decade endeavor we can focus on to secure our sovereignty: a white migratory invasion of Canada.

It's inevitable that large numbers of us are going to flee to the Great White North as whites become increasingly persecuted in the United States.

Canada does not have the volatile history of plantation slavery that the United States does; neither does it possess the volatile descendants of those slaves. Its largest minority group is Asian. Canada's lack of gun rights means that it is insulated from the kind of bloody mayhem that may occur in the United States, as well.

The most important factor is that Canada has only 36 million people in it; roughly 26 million are white.

The white American population is 233.7 million people, roughly 9 times the size of the Canadian white population.

This means American whites could do to Canada what Mexico and Central America have done to America, and then some. Even a fraction of the American white population migrating to Canada has the potential to completely upend their political system over time.

White American refugees have at least some natural allies in Canada, like white Canadians who would like to keep their country ethnically European, and French nationalists in Quebec, whom our people could protect. Unlike most refugees who drain the economy, White refugees are highly productive, proficient in English, and bring significant capital with them.

And like America, Canada has birthright citizenship, so children born to white mothers in Canada illegally are automatically given Canadian citizenship.

The short-term goal would be to assist white Canadian citizens in forming a white-friendly government, which would ultimately allow a path to citizenship for white refugees. If American whites begin to see Canada as their future home, American funds could significantly influence Canadian elections.

This new white majority could shape the House of Commons, setting future immigration rules, and ultimately insert European ethnicity into the Canadian Constitution, a more achievable process than amending our own.

This is no less doable than the left's multi-decade march through the institutions, and worth taking seriously. The only real question is what our hyper threat-aware adversaries might do to stop it.