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[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Nice strawman. Cherry pick some obscure example from one nation 80 years ago, and then ignore the broader point that white/anglo countries for the most part had free speech up until very recently when Jewish media/internet control and leverage grew to the point they could censor and deplatform critics with impunity and control the narrative.

The ruling involved the Supreme Court and even a future Canadian Prime Minister. Not obscure at all.

From a strictly selfish pov, having children isnt necessarily smart. It requires sacrifice and lots of expense. The seductive appeal of the propaganda were talking about is that it appeals to hedonism and materialism. Who wants to pay for diapers when you could buy a new nintendo switch. Who wants to get married and raise a family when you can hook up on tinder and watch endless internet porn. By the time people regret the decision not to have kids they are usually too old to do anything about it.

Going to school requires a lot of sacrifice and expense. So does the act of building a hospital or laying train tracks. I'm sorry but even the hedonist argument doesn't justify intelligent people deciding to commit voluntary suicide. It ignores other arguments like children playing a role in looking after their parents when they become too sick, or even the fact having children offers government tax breaks.

If smart people also want to play video games all day or refuse to change diapers, there exists services meant to cover this. It's called daycare centers or private nannies.