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[–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

lol. You're literally making the exact same argument we make regarding demographic replacement, you're just supporting it. Explain how mixed Nigerian and British people would be better than British people? Why is this desirable to you? Could it be because you are Jewish?

I do not actually support demographic replacement. That's actually a big misconception on these boards. I'm only here to provide explanations for it that fall under common science.

If British & Nigerian people mix, it doesn't have to be superior/inferior genetics. In fact, it has nothing to do with genes at all. Immigration is all about money. The pension system, the GDP or extreme hard labor like picking food off the farm require fresh blood. Immigration acts like that magic bandaid untill the British people can somehow solve their own birth rate issue.

Again, I'M NOT ACTUALLY SUPPORTING THIS, I'm only explaining the reasons for why it happens scientifically.

What people like you imagine when you think of racial mixing is basically the offspring will be White people, just with brown skin. That is not the case. What will happen, first of all, is that average intelligence will decline due to the average between the two races (Whites and global brown/black populations) leading to a number lower than the higher IQ race. You will also get higher time preference, higher levels of aggression, criminality, violence, psychopathy. You will also end up with a racial caste system like India or South America where those with the most European admixture will rule the societies due to having less of the previous traits. South America is a great example of this.

See my above paragraph. Every Billionaire CEO or every English Boomer about to hit 70 years old are not thinking about IQ. They either want cheap labor to keep the food supply going, or they want a tax base that guarantees they can retire and collect their welfare. You can obviously make your own arguments disagreeing with this (and you have, you pointed out race mixing will create a new South America in Europe) but again, most people in every Western country are driven by profits or Capitalism. IQ rarely shows up in the argument because most people aren't interested in sacrificing wealth to maintain racial purity.

[–][deleted]  (1 child)


    [–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    Which reflects a lack of foresight on their part. The wealth of a nation is directly tied to the quality of its human capital. There are other factors but that is the most important one.

    Exploitation and undercutting the competition have patched holes in this thinking. Companies only pay for quality when it relates to upper management. CEO's are given millions in kickbacks, but the same cannot be said for office workers or laborers who are simply replaced by the next person who offers to work the same job for less money. And with mass immigration and even outsourcing, businesses have an infinite supply of labor to choose from. Finding someone who can fix your computer or code is not a problem, it's actually quite saturated.

    The wealth and lifestyle that they desire is downstream from a society of sufficient calibre to create these things, and low-IQ browns are incapable of either building or maintaining said societies. Flooding Europe and Asia with muds will ultimately lead to the collapse of modern civilization and the end of human advancement.

    Low IQ people were never given the levers of power. It's more likely you'll just see the same wealth inequality gaps that already exist in 1st world nations. People will simply pay to have access to better services, which can totally exist in low IQ societies. And this may sound "sci-fi" but the ongoing push for robots and automation will make all this IQ stuff redundant. We wont see civilization end because the AI technology is happening within our lifetimes.