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[–]president_camacho 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Thats because at that time people hadnt felt the hard boot of Jewish censorship, blacklisting and media demonization. It was cool and fairly risk free to be alt right. All that changed the minute Jews saw Richard Spencer's pals zeig heiling after Trump's win, then they went into full on panic mode and decided to use all the power they'd been accumulating for decades in order to destroy the alt right and extinguish populism. They've been increasingly masks off ever since.

The net effect has been people increasingly red pilled on Jewish behavior but too terrified, disorganized, demoralized and silenced by censorship and being openly hunted to do anything about it.

[–]MATKINS 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

There were blips of censorship then but the backlash against the Alt-Right really kicked into gear after Charlottesville, IMO. That's when shitloads of people got deplatformed. Websites like Stormfront got dropped by their domain, social media accounts went bye bye, payment processors bailed, etc, hell, I'm an anonymous no one in the movement, and I lost my Yahoo account for shit I wrote on Yahoo Answers, lol.

That's when schisms happened in the whole "DR." Alt-Lite grifters threw the Alt-Right under the bus (Paul Joseph Watson made a video condemning Richard Spencer and bragging about how popular he was compared to us), Nick Fuentes and his AmNat boys drifted off in another direction, and the Alt-Right became infested with infighting and disillusionment.

I remember Heilgate.. it was the first time I'd learned who Spencer even was (I've been redpilled since 2013). Millennial Woes was there and got doxxed shortly afterwards. From the way he describes it, there were agent provocateurs who broke out into Roman salutes and there was only like 5 of them, most of the people there did not not (and contrary to popular belief, Spencer didn't either, he raised a toast). I think that was a set up.

[–]president_camacho 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I was a left leaning normie when Charlottesville happened. I was so clueless that when they chanted Jews will not replace us I had no idea what that even meant, only that it sounded ominous, like they were saying its us or them. I remember thinking stupid fucking Nazis, but all in all thinking the whole thing was blown massively out of proportion. I already had a negative opinion of Antifa from when they were allowed to repeatedly attack Trump supporters with no consequences. I didnt even like Trump or his supporters but it occurred to me right away that something had changed in America when people were openly allowed to use violence to intimidate someone else into avoiding exercising their first amendment rights. I had never seen that before. It planted a seed of doubt about the modern day left that led to me taking a closer examination into what was going on and who was behind it.

I was extremely anti neocon going a ways back and when I began to notice that neocons seemed to be overwhelmingly pro antifa and anti Trump that's when I started to connect dots. Jewish lefties seemed to exhibit a lot of neocon style talking points and mannerisms and I think that was the first time I ever realized that the neocons were a symptom of wider Jewish behavior. The more I looked into it the deeper into the rabbit hole I went, right at a time media Jews were increasingly flexing their power, dropping any pretense of objectivity and becoming much more aggressive towards whites in general.