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[–]MATKINS 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm not an anti-liberal purist who jumps on new trendy ideologies every week like being a 3rdPositionTradCathMonarchistMedievalPagan who wants to pretend they can rewind the clock to 1950s America, 1930s Germany, Victorian England, Rome, or whatever. I consider myself more of an 'alt-progressive' than 'trad', really. I don't have a problem with social conservatives, I just don't agree with them on everything.

I am for embracing technology and making the best of it. I believe in things like eugenics and investing in areas of science like genetic engineering, genuinely 'trad' people have trouble supporting these things. TradCaths I've spoken to are horrified by the idea of things like "designer babies", I see it as a good thing.

I don't have the perfect system in mind, but one thing I am against is the universal franchise. Most of the population should not be voting. Honestly, most of the voting population are fucking retards, and I include many boomer right-wing voters in that boat along with the woke college student 20-year-olds. Ultimately, who wins elections is whoever is best manipulated.

I don't have any tolerance for the LGBTQ+XYZ shit like trannies and stuff, but I don't have a problem with homosexuals. There has always been a small minority of men who are homosexual and who have no attraction to women. I don't see any point in forcing them to repress it and con women into marriage when realistically we know they'll be out fucking men in secret and picking up STDs. I don't mind letting them live relatively openly and letting them have a civil partner, but they should be banned from certain roles in society like the military, being prison officers, working in Boy Scouts type organisations.

I'm against women serving in the military and on 'front line' roles in the police and fire service. Women don't possess the abilities required to overpower criminals or drag people out of burning buildings, but there is nothing wrong with a woman being a detective or something like that. Women should also not be allowed to work in male prisons except as doctors/nurses.

I think women should generally be encouraged to marry and start having children young, but there is always going to be a segment of the female population who this isn't possible or suitable for. What about unattractive women? I don't mean women who can improve their situation (lose weight, etc), but women who are legitimately well below average? They're probably not going to find husbands. Female 'incels' may not exist, but women who can't get relationships certainly do. Not to mention women who are disabled, mentally ill, unable to have children for biological reasons, etc.

I don't believe women make natural leaders, they are not suited to run countries and major institutions (I've noticed a trend that they always end up being grotesquely masculinised like Margaret Thatcher, or they get steamrolled when the pressure is on), but I don't go full sperg and suggest they shouldn't take part in politics at all. I do get annoyed when I come across anonymous keyboard warriors who probably do fuck all for any movement shitting on the likes of Laura Towler for being a woman and playing an active political role. That woman does a lot for British ethnonationalism as deputy head of PA.

Recreational drugs? I've never taken them, not even cannabis, but I think the pragmatic thing to do is legalise and regulate them. The war on drugs is objectively a failure. They can't even keep drugs out of maximum security prisons, you're dreaming if you think even the best Fascist ethnostate can. That being said, I don't think drug shops should be everywhere (it would be banned to open one near a school or near a park for example) and they should not allowed to be open between about 8:00am-8:00pm. It's the sort of thing that should only be in town/city centres near nightclubs, etc. If adults can take them safely and not end up as fuckups, it doesn't bother me.