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[–]VarangianRasputin 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They get cleared out from time to time, but that's only the System's damage control. When it comes down to it, the system doesn't want dissent of any kind. That being said, they definitely get more breathing room, but I'd say that's because they're considered less of a threat to the current order, mostly because they don't actually do anything, and when they do, it actually works in the Systems favour, such as when they advocate anti-white stances that would make Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Mao cringe. They, whether they realize it or not, are playing into the hands of the Neo-Liberal System and tighten it's grip.

Then you've got guys like Jason Unruhe of Maoist Rebel News (who I kind of like, actually), a Maoist Third-Worldist who is against anti-white rhetoric throughout the Left. That guy is called every buzzword by his own side (racist and even transphobic for some fucking reason). He's practically black-listed among the Far-Left. He actually had a discussion with Richard Spencer, if anybodies interested.

I'd say we can use organisation tactics from Leninism (Vanguardism, Democratic Centralism, etc), but at the end of the day, yes, they are allowed more space than us.