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[–]literalotherkinNorm MacDonald Nationalism 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Though Chinese academics are often circumscribed in what they can and cannot say, they nevertheless do disagree in public.

Heaven forfend! Wouldn't happen in the good ol' freedom luvvin West.

Whereas liberal scholars view the rule of law as the final authority on value conflicts.

Spits coffee as laughs meme.

This shift is significant: It marks a move from what had been an illiberal government in Beijing—one that flouts liberal norms as a matter of convenience—to an anti-liberal government—one that repudiates liberal norms as a matter of principle.

Liberals are afraid and they should be. This Atlantic article is actually an OK read if you can get past their 'Nazis are everywhere' silliness. This is the more sober side of the liberal response.

In Australia many liberals -- who feel the Chinese wolf is much closer to their door than Americans I think -- have just taken to outright pandering and shameful capitulation. If you can stomach it take a look at this article which was written by one of our most respected racial grievance mongers Stan Grant. (BTW for anyone confused yes that article was published on the Australian State Broadcaster's website not the Chinese one.)