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[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (8 children)

If you oppose the JQ thesis why are you on here? If you want to stay why don't you put an effort post on why you oppose the JQ. If you have sourced logical arguments people will listen. Otherwise mocking people for Jew conspiracy theories doesn't work on this sub because people who do blame jews for things on this sub actually bring up history and sources. For example you should read Wallstreet and the Bolshivik Revolution by Sutton and when you do you should look carefully at the names of the people funding these political movements. I would also ask you to consider how many wealthy funders of political action groups are Jewish in 2020 (it's a LOT).

[–]Trump77 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

So do you think their Jewish blood or religion is making them do this stuff or what/Do you see how little sense that makes? I have several Jewish friends who are Patriots,love Trump,are against immigration, pro free speech etc, the average Jewish guy you would see walking down the street has no part in this shit. I think it is best to call to these people what they are and that is white liberal vermin and not implicate a religion of millions.

[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

So do you think their Jewish blood or religion is making them do this stuff

Neither (and both). Human desire to survive and thrive is what makes Jews do what they do. All humans want to survive and thrive. Except different groups of humans develop different survival strategies the same way different animals in nature develop survival strategies.

Jewish* blood has a strong desire to survive but so do almost all groups you see today. That's a result of the brutal competition we see in nature. The weak just don't survive. Every group you see today is a product of surviving nature and surviving human competition. Most human haplogroups all over the world have developed similar patterns of survival: carve out a physical area, defend it with weapons, propagandize your children to love your way of life and fight for it, honor culture among soldiers, monogamy, division of labor, customs/laws to not rape children and the group pulling together to fight an enemy (essentially fascism). Jews on the other hand got nearly wiped out in the brutal competitiveness in the ancient world. Genetically they hit a 300 person bottleneck. This spurred them to adopt alternative survival strategies: the main survival strategies of the ashkenazi: trade, liquid assets, debt, mobility, serving royals/elites, intellectual specialization, deception, sexual openness, inbreeding/child sex, extreme ethnocentrism, extreme eugenics (breeding children for high IQ, especially memorization and verbal IQ), anti Christianity, pro occultism/secret society. In a way Jews essentially looked out at the traditional human survival strategies and found ways to reverse engineer and exploit them. They developed a cosmopolitan culture and put scholars and business moguls within their community on a pedestal. They especially bred their children with high IQ types even if those types had serious genetic abnormalities. I don't really hate Jews for adopting these survival methods. Survival is amoral. If I was on a battlefield and my enemy stabbed me with a sharper sword or shot me with a higher quality rifle or trapped me with better strategy I wouldn't hate them. . I'd accept I was bested by a superior enemy. Nature is brutal and nature doesn't care if you're 'moral'. Survival is amoral.

Do you see how little sense that makes

I think I get it now. You don't understand the JQ. It's not about their religion making them do it or their blood. It's just them wanting to be uniquely them that makes them do it. You might want to read Maurice Samuel's book You Gentiles to understand more about this. If you read something about the JQ that over emphasizes the religion or the blood part it's most likely a disinformation campaign meant to push people away from looking into Jews as anything but victims.

I have several Jewish friends

As do I. Although my Jewish friends are secular liberals not right wingers. I was raised a liberal and spent most of my life as a liberal so I have yet to interact with a lot of right wing Jews.

love Trump

Well that would be a big strike for me. Most in the dissident right don't really love trump. We see him as a tool to get what we want (a very dull tool at that). He has too many ties to zionism to be considered /ourguy/. Zionism is a leech on american blood and treasure. It corrupts our politicians and our people through tons of psychology operations. It sets up elaborate honey pots for our leadership. Israelis even steal our military secrets and sell them to our enemies. And don't get me into all the false flags the perpetuate on us to suit their political goals. There is no greater enemy to the United States then Israel.

pro free speech

That's good and I do think there are a fairly large group within the Ashkenzim community that hasn't woken up to the historical roots of Jewish power, Jewish goals, and Jewish idiosycracies that make them get rejected by their hosts. For those people I'd highly recommend the musician, scholar and savant Gilad Atzmon. He's amazing at helping Jews understand their history and why antisemitism continues to flame up. Hint hint, it's not just evil non Jews who irrationally hate Jews and want to genocide them. The problem with smart/innocent Jews is their innate ethnocentrism. They are so loving towards their own people that they never stop to consider the some of the big Jews might actually be manipulating and using the small Jews for their monumentally aggressive goals. This creates a huge blind spot for Jews. Unfortunately when Jews wake up to this they become a bit unhinged and are almost totally worthless to nationalists. Bobby Fisher is a good example.

the average Jewish guy you would see walking down the street has no part in this shit.

The average american didn't agree to drop two nuclear weapons on civilian targets in Japan. The average Obama voter didn't support drone strikes. The average German didn't really expect a second world war and especially not an offensive one that would push into Russia or Africa. The average Israeli didn't want to plant bombs in the Twin Towers or use children to lure politicians into compromising positions. Those were all strategies created by small groups within those ethnic teams. These are all realities that we block out when we support ethic teams. It's doesn't make ethnic teams bad but we all need to understand the power of tribalism and take ownership and control of our tribes. Regular small Jews need to seriously reel in their tribe or they're going to create WWIII or at the very least another purge event like the 109 events they've had in their history.

I think it is best to call to these people what they are and that is white liberal vermin and not implicate a religion of millions.

I love liberals more than conservatives to be honest (even though their brains are hijacked by Jews at the moment). Liberals when they are awakened to Jewish psychological and religious manipulation become rabid white nationalists, even more so then right wing anglo types. 'Liberal Vermin' are mostly white people and therefore they are my genetic kin. Without my kin I am nothing and simply a consumer or a tool of other kin groups. You seem to be a person that strongly rejects the history and innate human tribalism that shapes everything we do.

a religion of millions.

It's not a universalist religion though. By there own words you have to be born to a Jewish mother or go through a process (which when you look into excludes most people). You can't just call Judaism a peaceful religion. It's clearly a front for an ethnic family. That ethnic family is just as liable as any other group in the world. If that ethnic family wages war on my ethnic family we both have the amoral right to survive. Me and my people will survive and Jews can either get out of our way or face the consequences of their warfare with us.

*Genetically there are three main groups of Jews. Ashkenazi, Sephardi, and Mizrahi. When we talk about subversion of western political/religious/economic/media interests we're primarily talking about a pretty small group of Ashkenazim.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

ethnocentrism, extreme eugenics (breeding children for high IQ, especially memorization and verbal IQ), anti Christianity, pro occultism/secret society.

The Khazar theory is very interesting, I would love to read a book on the religion, ideas, beliefs these Asiatic people lived. Most of the people involved in 9/11 were not the arab or ethiopian Jew but Ashkenazi Jews that do, honestly, have unique features.

[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Glad you dropped by.

A bit off topic. What do you think of this Hillary/obama/biden killing an Osama double then covering it up with bribes to Iran and killing seal team 6? The guy pushing the story is supposedly a 'falconer' to arab elites. I have yet to see the story confirmed though.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Part 1

I had posted a quick comment about it elsewhere basically making fun of the hilarity of it. Definitely a PsyOp based off schema. David Ray Griffin has already proved here:

...that Bin Laden, who was suffering from Liver and Kidney failure in 2000 was at his death bed. It is likely that Bin Laden died in late 2001. He was on a dialysis machine since the late 1990's and could not have lived much longer, especially not in a bunker house with little to no medical supplies. Having kidney failure, he would have been one of the longest living persons on a dialysis machine who had no medical assistance and probably little supplies, if we are to take the unproven official narrative as truth. Many foreign articles were written about his death and the ceremonies that followed before being scrubbed many years later. It was western intelligence that likely used the Bin Laden narrative–might have even made a deal with him prior to his death–to prop him up as the boogeyman for geopolitical agendas after his death. Just prior to 9/11, the Bush family had met with the Bin Laden family, this cannot be a coincidence. Moreover, all the eyewitnesses of the 'Seal Team 6 raid' have made it clear that Bin Laden never lived there and that they probably, if they even did, killed an innocent man that had no relation to Bin Laden. Whether they killed someone or not–needless to say, it wasn't Bin Laden–just prior to an election in order to get Obama elected, is not hard to see. It was both a political operation and the end of one successful geopolitical PsyOp for continuous war.

Bin Laden was always a CIA asset and we can most definitely connect this information to some of his living relatives who push US/ZOG/state department geopolitical agendas. An article was written just a few weeks ago where one of Bin Laden's relatives gave her strong support for Trump, whilst wearing a 'Make America Great Again' hat. How much of that article is true, I do not know. We must remember, also, that Bin Laden was an enemy of Saudi Arabia. Back in 2001, during the 9/11 Likudnik, 5th column ZioCon and (probable) Bush oligarch event, the simulated SAUDI hijackers who had Mossad agents in Hollywood, Fl., were to, supposedly, be blamed for the 9/11 attacks. The Anthrax attacks, which had been sent to two democrat congressmen who refused to sign the patriot act were initially blamed on neo-Nazis, probably as a lampoon; and then the state of Iraq and later Al Qaeda and after that an Arab chemist who sued for libel and finally Bruce Ivins who conveniently committed suicide before his trial. Robert Mueller was a propagator during 9/11 of false information, such as finding the 'hijacker passport' in the "wreckage of UA93', not unlike the Zionist police officer that Trump just recently pardoned, Brandon Kerik, who found, allegedly, another Arab passport of one of the "hijackers" in the wreckage of the twin towers; Trump also pardoned the notorious Michael Milkin. Before ZioCon Jews in media nearly outed themselves by pushing false information, Iraq and Al Qaeda were to be blamed for the anthrax attacks. There appeared to be infighting within the executive branch and state department over which narrative to propagate. It appears the Bush aligned oligarchs wanted to blame a lone domestic terrorist who had no affiliations with Arabs, probably because independent scientists found out that the Anthrax spores were tin-coated and quite sophisticated that it had to have come from either the US, Israel or China. The Jewish neocons wanted to blame Iraq. Robert Mueller was head of the FBI, I believe, and covered-up the anthrax attacks. Later we see this ''Mueller report'' which did expose some aspects of Trump and Russia but not much else. Seems to me that Mueller is part of the Anglo side of the spectrum and Trump the British Israelism side of whom has connections to many Russian oligarchs. In the end, limited hangout narratives were pushed and not much else.

Moreover, anthrax killed a mailman who was the husband of a Florida reporter that lived right near the Mossad agents apartments. I mention this because when we observe the Anthrax letters we can see that they were written as if someone wanted the person reading them to believe that a muslim jihadist had written it. "It said death to Israel, death to the US." There was also clear incidences in the media trying to link the anthrax perps to the hijackers. These narratives were likely pre-written before the event. Two participants, Jewish, one in particular, Judith Miller, in a drill titled Operation Darkwinter where chemical agents, including Anthrax would be released by Iraq and rouge actors through the mail, were later sent fake anthrax in the mail that they then blamed on Iraq. Apparently, the planned for this and the rouge actors happened to give them fake anthrax for them to conveniently blame Iraq, and those who didn't want to sign the patriot act, got real anthrax.

What I'm trying to get at here, is this... that all of these oligarchs and Think Tanks, with mutual and diverse agendas, all benefited from the attacks and used it to their benefit.

[There] appears to be an attempt to deflect suspicion from the faction of Israeli and American Zionists who most likely planned and executed 9/11 onto the Anglo-American/Arab power bloc the former see as their main competition for influence and control over the U.S. Most powerfully symbolized by the close relationship between the Bush family and the oil-rich monarchies, this power bloc, however undemocratic and corrupt itself, has long been a thorn in the side of Israel's ambitions for regional hegemony, and as such has also for years been a favorite bogeyman of the Zionist dominated liberal end of the media and academic spectrum.

[A good history lesson; we can observe a long subversive alliance between British Israelism and Racist masonic Jewish organizations as well as Scottish Rite freemasonry directed for the longest time against the Anglo-American power bloc.]

That the criticisms leveled against them have long been valid, as this group has its own hegemonic ambitions (that manifested itself, for example, in numerous subversions of popular will around the world when those movements threatened their position), is no reason to assume that because many of its members were in a position to assist in the execution of 9/11 that they actually did so, however tempting it may be.

It should be noted that before 9/11 and after assuming the presidency (apparently illegaly), the Bush administration became the first American administration to openly call for the formation of a Palestinian state.

While many Zionists (like Noam Chomsky) advocate this solution, the Israeli political elite, led by Likud, the ideological progeny of the Irgun (the terrorist movement that called for a "Greater Israel" encompassing Jordan, Syria, and the Sinai peninsula in addition to Palestine) have no intention of allowing a Palestinian state into being.

Tellingly, upon their arrest, the five so-called "Dancing Israelis" said that "your problem is our problem...the Palestinians are the problem." Also, the first claim of responsibility for the attacks was made by the Democratic Front for the Liberation Palestine, and we all remember the American media showing us dubious video of "Palestinians celebrating the attacks". It appears that the original plan, in other words, may have been to blame Palestinian terrorists.

[...yes, this is true and also Saudi Arabia. Why Saudi Arabia, because Saudi's are friends to the Bush Oligarchs, at least financially, but the neocons and Likudniks are not the greatest friends of the Saudis. This is made clear in the Likudniks 'Securing the Realm' document where they depict Saudi Arabia as an enemy of which to be Balkenized. Is it any wonder then that later Bin Laden, an enemy of Saudi Arabia, would be blamed despite those "Saudi" "hijackers" with Mossad handlers? Of course, there were former Mossad agents in Britain, probably working for MI6 that blamed Al Qaeda and Afghanistan on live tv which went hand-in-hand with the UNOCAL agenda against Afghanistan. Kristol and other neocons would then go unto do presentations at Harvard and write books about how disastrous the Afghanistan war was, despite them being pro-interventionist against Iraq and other states. I remember Kagan even saying during an interview, "Who cares about Afghanistan, it's about Iraq."]

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Part 2

As we know, it did not happen this way, and the Bush administration had to make a quick decision--either a) go along, and doom the Palestinian people, b) expose the real perpetrators and for all intents and purposes spell the end of Israel as anything but a rogue state living on nuclear blackmail a la North Korea or c) sacrifice an intelligence asset in Osama bin Laden, someone few people would care to defend. The Bush/Saudi power bloc saw in this third way an opportunity to pursue their own regional agenda, and for their trouble earned the title of "most likely suspects" from the 9/11 truth movement that has from the beginning--especially at the beginning--been heavily populated by Zionist apologists who have long tried to dismiss speculation about the thermite/explosive destruction of Zionist Larry Silverstein's WTC as misguided or wrong, favoring the LIHOP theory whereby--you guessed it, Bush and the Saudis either allowed or assisted the hijackers to carry out the hijackings and crashes which 'naturally' led to the towers's 'collapse'. With demolition now accepted by most serious researchers, the tactic has shifted to, among others, promoting the ridiculous 'space beams dustified the steel' work by Judy Wood to muddy the waters by fielding an army of positive reviewers for her book so the public can be told or led to believe that her work is indeed representative of the demolition argument.

In the case of the anthrax mailings we find a familiar pattern--the accused, Bruce Ivins, suicided before a case could be presented in court, and some 'skeptics' intent on finding an Arab link when the clear suspect should instead be one Philip Zack--a former employee at Ft. Detrick who was guilty of harassing an Arab American colleague and who is known to have accessed the lab there after he was no longer authorized to. Just as Zack could easily have obtained the anthrax and transferred it to Israel, any number of disloyal employees of the U.S. military labs developing nano-thermite could have transferred that technology illicitly.

[But we also must bring to the picture the fact that this "Global War on Terror" was merely the Yinon war plan in disguise. Knowing this, it appears that likely all of these narratives were purposefully broadcasted and it need not matter where the proof may lie, as long as as many actors were blamed for this "Global War on Terror." In the end, those in control, could pick and choose who to go after and prevent, inhibit, or make deals with other power think tanks and elitists that might have dissimilar agendas. This is called ambiguity method in perception management. That is, to create as many contradicting narratives as possible or blame as many contradicting parties as possible.]

Hillary/obama/biden killing an Osama double then covering it up with bribes to Iran and killing seal team 6?

I don't know if Seal Team 6 was killed. Who knows, but this narrative was likely pre-written well in advance. Obama was not on the best terms with hardcore Likudniks. But when you read everything above, it would not be hard for them to fabricate this story. For they have the legal authority under the SMith Mundt Modernization ACt of 2012 to do just that.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Much of what we see and hear today was planned many years ago; at least in regards to the big events and PsyOps needed to set them up. Likely, in the Seal Team 6 case, you have two competing power brokers manufacturing fabricated narratives.

[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Make an effort post and people will listen. You're just dropping driveby snark because you yourself are jewish.