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[–]antireddit 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

They can be, they can also be impacted by simple ethnic nepotism. You're a liberal Jewish editor, you have a Jewish reporter applying for a job and a non Jewish one. The CEO of the company is also Jewish. Both applicants have Journalism degrees from respectable schools. One is from a background you are familiar and comfortable with and reminds you of your younger self, the other is some blonde goy from some hayseed small town that looks like a nazi to you(you have relatives that are holocaust survivors!). Both are to outward appearances white, but you know better. You believe that Jews are "better story tellers" because that's what you've always heard and that's what the Jewish editor that hired you as a new reporter said, and of course its true, why else would we Jews dominate the media?

Who do you think is more likely to get hired? In fact the decision was probably already made because Maury Bernstein over in advertising recommended his nephew you to and the kid used to hang around the newsroom when he was younger, so he knows the drill. That's how it works.