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[–]literalotherkinNorm MacDonald Nationalism 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think it's a good reminder how often people in this world adopt positions that are the photo negative of those they deem their political opponents. I don't think many on the left -- the rabble not the elite -- would actually look at this film and do the amount of cope and rationalization with this film if it weren't for the backlash from the right -- which is entirely justified BTW.

I've only seen the few clips that are always being posted online and have read an unsympathetic review and from what I've seen it's filmed in a way that almost glorifies the acts. It's fromt he voyeur's perspective. It looks like a film clip for a pop song.

As much as I dislike the left I truly have a hard time believing that most of the people -- a lot of them women oddly enough -- who are out there defending this film which is basically softcore CP don't actually, somewhere deep down in their souls, consider this disgusting. Their defense is more like an extension of TDS where they just have such a visceral reaction to whatever conservatives do that they lose all perspective. (I've seen dozens of tweets that actually mention Trump defending this stuff it's unbelievable.)

Also it still is one of the most baffling things I encounter to hear people claim that you must be a pedophile to actually find the film unacceptable. Strange days.