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[–]antireddit 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I didnt realize recommending mein kampf was a "thing". I would totally recommend against it. Not because I think it should be forbidden knowledge, but because there is so much baggage associated with it. I've never read it myself and have no desire to. I know what I know not because I read or watched someone elses propaganda, but because I can see it with my own two eyes.

I'm J-woke because I noticed Every. Single. Time. long before I ever saw a meme about it, and I noticed the massive over representation in influential positions, which overwhelmingly pushed an agenda of hate against me and mine. In other words, because I notice things. Their biggest enemy are people who notice. Hitler and the nazis are just a distraction. Something they use to shut down the noticers.