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[–]Salos10000 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Can you define tone policing?

I agree with 80 percent of our ideology(preserving the white race,Jewish influence, the nature of the left,etc) however I want our movement to succeed. I see it from a collectivist standpoint instead of individualist. Tying ourselves to Nazism just gives our enemy what they want and it scares away potential followers. We have to be strategic and clever if we want to win.

[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

rule 2 ------------------------------------------------->

I agree with 80 percent of our ideology(preserving the white race,Jewish influence, the nature of the left,etc) however I want our movement to succeed.

Read the definition on the right and you need to more carefully frame your arguments to avoid criticizing emotions.

An example of tone policing would be calling everyone you disagree with a 'wigger nationalist' or 'wignat' a better framing would be, "I'd advise you not walk around in public with Mein Kampf, it could turn off normies and even cause you to lose your job unfortunately, even though there are good ideas presented in the text"

Here's another example of tone policing: "There are no good ideas in Mein Kampf, Hitler was a dumb Chud and anybody that like him is a chud." Alternatively you could say, "There are 4 main themes of Mein kampf and here's why I disagree with all of them (proceeds to lay out a thoughtful/reasoned critique of mein kampf)"

Tone policing can be tough to identify (which is why trolls like using it) but it is a real thing and the mods here have seen it deployed to snuff out healthy debate. Some of the best examples of tone policing were on r/theredpill. Folks would come in to that sub saying they hate women and are angry with women and trolls would come in saying to stop being an incel sperg. That's classic tone policing. Many of those guys with anger about women had legit anger (their ex wives might have just recently divorce raped them) and a legit arguments (such as feminist critiques, critiques about anti male doctrines used in legal system) to make and until mods cracked down on it their voices weren't heard.

We will be monitoring it and we won't allow it on DAR.