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[–]literalotherkinNorm MacDonald Nationalism 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Rationalization is a common response to trauma. Your post reminds me of a video I saw a couple of days ago of Peter Tatchell saying that we must respect the opinion of a man who says he was abused as a 9 year old by an older man but 'consented' and therefore we should respect that opinion -- he's a long term apologist for pederasts and abandoning the age of consent laws by the way.

Obviously I'm not comparing the pain of a workout to child abuse but the reaction in humans in these situations is on a pre-rational level. You cope with the situation by telling yourself you're not suffering.

Whites are the same today. Actually realizing the real amount of abuse and trauma we're subjected to would be horriffic so we explain it away and more often than not identify with our abusers. It's racial Stockholm Syndrome.

[–]Salos10000 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

So how do we break it?

[–]pimpdaddy_69 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Possibly Moral arguments. Try to convince people that white western society is worth preserving unconditionally or that white people themselves deserve a homeland. Or even that preferring your own people is a good thing.

Arguments using IQ and stuff just make you look like a supremacist xenophobe to normies. They believe that diversity is "good". They want to feel like they're the "good" guy.

There needs to be a shift in the moral understanding of these matters. Modern propaganda has whites believe that everything they've done has come at the expense of everyone else and that nothing of theirs is unique. They've been taught that whites are responsible for all the ills of the world and this has people believe that whites deserve every misfortune imaginable. Nationalism has also been married to the shoah and so no morally conscious white will call themselves a nationalist.

If normies can have the programing undone then they'll revert to normal preferences and start to value their society and themselves as they used to.

Its quite remarkable really how much things have changed in two generations. Whites used to be pretty "based" back then and the "civic" virtues of civnats were real back then.