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[–]ChancellorMershekel 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's better for everyone.

Far-Left seem to have started up their own community called 'Raddle'. Someone on Ruqqus claimed that the 'Chapo' people set that up, and it is effectively their own Voat. The same person provided a link to a Raddle post to show how violent the comments were (a thread about what to do with 'dissidents', and the comments called for repression/killing). So we now have both sides in their own 'safe space' rather than engaging in aggressive 'brigading', etc. against each other. Remember, AHS were literally posting CP on subreddits they wanted gone. Pretty sure that's illegal. We don't want to exist in a single-space if that's what it comes down to. Segregating incompatible peoples is good—even in schools, any reasonable teacher would simply keep students who keep fighting with each other apart.

Then you have the others, which are more balanced. A few days ago, Ruqqus celebrated hitting its 50,000 registered user count, and the site is around six months old. It also appears to crash a lot less (not as many '503 Service Unavailable' errors) than it did just a week ago. Some guilds (including some friendly to us) have grown by thousands of members over that time.

As for here, it appears that s/GenderCritical (TERFs expelled from Reddit) have grown to 1980 members despite being eight days old as of writing this. So, there is a flood of people coming here as well. The site mod seemed to be worried that the site user-base skewed too 'Right'... but I think the question now is whether TERFs will end up dominating it instead, and whether there will be... 'TERF wars'(?) between Right-leaning users who, being expelled from Reddit earlier also arrived here earlier, and the new wave of TERFs who almost certainly will not confine themselves to their single sub.