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[–]cisheteroscumWhite Nationalist[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Saved parts of Richard Lynn’s The Chosen People PDF (subtract 8 pages for the book page)

Table of Contents p. 8

Britain p. 79

British IQ studies p. 84

Canada p. 105 el IQ of Jews be explained?

..The first troubling conclusion raised by high Jewish IQ is that it is difficult to avoid the conclusion their high IQ must have a genetic basis. Five reasons for the inescapability of this conclusion have been given in chapter 20… Most social scientists are reluctant to spell out this conclusion, either because they are ideaologically committed equalitarians on race differences, or because they fear the criticisms they would be certain to incur..

The second troubling conclusion that has to be drawn from the high IQ of Jews is that it seems to have been a eugenics success story.. But who wants to admit that eugenics works and has contributed to high intelligence and achievements of this extraordinarily gifted people? Evidently not those who have written textbooks on psychology, sociology, and intelligence

..a third troubling conclusion. That is that an ethnic group with a high IQ succeeds despite discrimination, and this raises the question of why other ethnic groups have failed to succeed. The standard explanation of why Blacks, non-white Hispanics, and American Indians do so poorly in IQ, education, earnings, and socioeconomic status is that whites discriminate against them.. Yet, the Jews have suffered a great deal of discrimination over the last 2000 years, and it has apparently not had an adverse effect on their intelligence or their achievements. How can this be explained? The only possible inference that can be drawn is that an ethnic group with a high IQ succeeds despite discrimination. This, in turn, discredits the theory that Blacks, Hispanics and American Indians have failed to achieve equality with Whites because of discrimination.. this is another of the reasons why a discreet veil of silence has been drawn over the high Jewish IQ