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[–]Nombre27 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Genome-wide association meta-analysis of 78,308 individuals identifies new loci and genes influencing human intelligence

Date from Table 1. Genomic loci and lead SNPs associated with intelligence in the meta-analysis based on N=78,308.

Allele frequencies from

Reference and effect alleles from supplementary file: Supplementary Tables 1–18, table 4

Population rs2490272 rs9320913 rs10236197 rs2251499 rs36093924 rs7646501 rs4728302 rs10191758 rs12744310
AFR C: 88% T: 12% C: 82% A: 18% T: 44% C: 56% T: 14% C: 86% C: 48% T: 52% A: 23% G: 77% C: 73% T: 27% A: 84% G: 16% C: 91% T: 9%
AMR C: 40% T: 60% C: 66% A: 34% T: 70% C: 30% T: 26% C: 74% C: 47% T: 53% A: 57% G: 43% C: 30% T: 70% A: 73% G: 27% C: 89% T: 11%
EAS C: 30% T: 70% C: 59% A: 41% T: 48% C: 52% T: 10% C: 90% C: 70% T: 30% A: 85% G: 15% C: 46% T: 54% A: 100% G: 0% C: 65% T: 35%
EUR C: 43% T: 57% C: 49% A: 51% T: 66% C: 34% T: 26% C: 74% C: 53% T: 47% A: 74% G: 26% C: 42% T: 58% A: 63% G: 37% C: 79%T: 21%
SAS C: 56% T: 44% C: 75% A: 25% T: 63% C: 37% T: 18% C: 82% C: 52% T: 48% A: 57% G: 43% C: 61% T: 39% A: 86%G: 14% C: 90% T: 10%
Reference or effect allele T A T T T A T A T
Alternative or non-effect allele C C C C C G C G C
Direction ++++-+++ ++++-+++ +++++-++ ++++++++ ?--????? ?++-++++ ---+--+- ?--????? ?-------
Population rs66495454 rs113315451 rs12928404 rs41352752 rs13010010 rs16954078 rs11138902 rs6746731 rs6779302
AFR -: 98% TCCT: 2% TTAT...: 38%TTAT...: 62% T: 46% C: 54% T: 100% C: 0% C: 98% T: 2% T: 99% A: 1% G: 71% A: 29% T: 78% G: 22% G: 49% T: 51%
AMR -: 67% TCCT: 33% TTAT...: 65% TTAT...: 35% T: 43% C: 57% T: 98% C: 2% C: 82% T: 18% T: 89% A: 11% G: 56% A: 44% T: 38% G: 62% G: 66% T: 34%
EAS -: 80% TCCT: 20% TTAT...: 76% TTAT...: 24% T: 53% C: 47% T: 100% C: 45% T: 55% T: 100% A: 0% G: 58% A: 42% T: 71% G: 29% G: 96% T: 4%
EUR -: 59% TCCT: 41% TTAT...: 59% TTAT...: 41% T: 65% C: 35% T: 97% C: 3% C: 61% T: 39% T: 81% A: 19% G: 45% A: 55% T: 45% G: 55% G: 64% T: 36%
SAS -: 79% TCCT: 21% TTAT...: 68% TTAT...: 32% T: 64% C: 36% T: 100% C: 0% C: 79% T: 21% T: 90% A: 10% G: 60% A: 40% T: 43% G: 57% G: 62% T: 38%
Reference or effect allele G A T T T A A T T
Alternative or non-effect allele GTCCT ATTAT C C C T G G G
Direction ?--????? ++++++++ ?++????? ?--????? ++++++++ ?----+-- +++++-++ -----+-- ?--?????

AFR = African, AMR =American, EAS = East Asian, EUR = European, SAS = South Asian

Anyway, just look at the reference alleles for intelligence and then the allele frequencies of each group. From the allele frequencies and their direction, it's enough to conclude that differences in intelligence will exist. I cannot comment on the impact that each difference will have on intelligence but there does seem to be significant cumulative differences when summing the pluses and minuses and their frequency.