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[–]LookAtThatNose 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Again, you just proved how much of a meme your ideology is. It doesn't appeal to normal people. While I agree that women should have less say in politics and rights, you take it to a level which is anti-social and will never appeal to the average man. While I admire some aspects of Islam, it is not a white creation. We are not all the same. In Mexico, controlling women to that point might be more effective than it would be in European society. You're coming from a point of view of MEXICAN society, not European society.

I agree, women are fucked up, and feminism through mostly (((media))) subversion is the root cause of that, but what you're seeing now is women at their absolute worst. I understand you're black pilled on them, but they are incredibly impressionable. Think of them as water in a glass. They will mould to the glass, whatever shape it is. In a fascist state, you wouldn't need to treat them as akin to slaves because they would be eager to impress the men of the nation, and thus conform to societal expectations of them. They will do whatever is 'cool', and if having kids and being meek housewives is what's 'cool' and promoted, they will do that. The only reason they're mostly sluts now is because it's 'cool' to be a slut.

that's why you demand for welfare

There's nothing wrong with helping the downtrodden of society. We would obviously put caveats on that welfare so it's not a blatant handout to leeches, but sometimes people need assistance. They're not all big brained and capable.


When have I presented anything but staunch opposition to feminism?


Again, just a buzzword without understanding what you're actually saying.

attempting to boost fertility rate

Yes. And you do that by making women want to become mothers and raise families. Financial incentives so they can raise more children would help with that.

The only way to boost fertility rate and strengthen families is by taking women's rights away which you hard-cucks are staunchly opposed to and in fact support the opposite

I think some rights need to be taken away, absolutely, as I want white men of good character running our nations, but again, you take it to an anti-social extreme. We're not Muslim. We will never be Muslim. We have also evolved as a race. Look to National Socialist Germany as an example of the role of women in society. They need to be empowered in the right way, i.e having children, taking care of themselves, being good wives to their husbands etc.

Oh but you want to take men's rights away further because...... well, you're cucks

Who's rights do you think we are taking away? The cucks. The commies. The liberals. The traitors. Decent white men of good character that align with us won't have need for the things we are 'taking away'/banning. In fact, they would be staunchly opposed to them.

Using government force to subjugate businesses by stripping them of meritorious earnings, siphoning it away to fuel parasitism is exactly the opposite of what the right stands for

Government should absolutely be used to control businesses. We will have a fundamental disagreement here, but virtually unregulated capitalism is how liberalism really gained momentum. You envision some based, stateless place with corporations subjugating women etc, but in reality, the exact opposite would happen dude, lol. You would have no control over what would happen, because you're too afraid to tell businesses what to do because that's gasp leftist! Your mind is so stuck in this right/left box. You are afraid of actual power, yet think you'll have some form of it in your envisioned society. Lol, right.

That's retarded as fuck and incentivizes the creation a massive welfare state that will inevitably collapse.

You need a balance. To go to either extreme economically is retarded. Both state socialism and unregulated free market capitalism collapse. Balance breeds balance. Hitler figured this out and turned their economy completely around from the absolute disaster that was the Weimar Republic, which you would actually prefer in your warped sense of what works.

You cannot support the above quoted while calling for welfare and supporting feminism

Again, dishonest misrepresentation of my views.

Rampant censorship

Yes, I want to censor my enemies. I want to censor commies and liberals. Imagine not wanting to.

government fueled propaganda

Propaganda doesn't automatically = bad, bro. It's like you got your opinion of fascism off of Spielberg films. Just because commies use propaganda does not mean we can't either. It is effective, and you can use it for positive means.

advocate a totalitarian system of governance


subjugates the nation's citizenry to the extreme

You're calling for women to be akin to slaves. I'm not subjugating the citizenry nearly as extreme as you are, bro. You're btfoing yourself here.

socialism is complete shit for whites

And National Socialism, i.e a balance is the best for whites, as we could see during National Socialist Germany's reign. Look at all of what they achieved in such a short time frame. All from arguably the worst state the nation has been in, in history. From zero to literal heroes that the world wished they could replicate. Free market capitalism (which breeds liberalism) is what turns whites into docile, do nothing consumers.

destroying productivity and innovation and therefore making everyone worse but especially the top dogs

LOL bro. How about you have a read of how efficient Germany was in terms of production. Look at what they were able to produce in again, such a short time frame. Quality of life got MUCH better even despite Germany having to turn more factories into military factories. Go look at some footage of Germany in the 30's. While the rest of the world was in overall recession, Germany was thriving.

Fascist socialism is just socialism which is LEFTIST

Again, you're showing your boomer side. You are akin to a qtard with this argumentation, and I will not treat it in good faith. I already have, but you are completely missing the point so I'll move on.

no different than any other form of socialism in practical terms with the text explicitly calling fascist socialism a 'revolutionary movement' and a system of governance intended to bring about social justice

Where do the Doctrine of Fascism or Fascist manifesto advocate for abolishment of private property, class warfare, or absolute state socialism? You're being grug, here, unpredictably because some fascist philosophers were ex Marxists that saw that Marxism is retarded and wanted something different. They literally lived the ideology and rejected its core tenets. How can you possibly say, being a higher IQ individual that I know you are, that fascism is 'no different than any form of socialism'? Like, this is just so stupid I may start to question your intelligence, here.

I learned this precisely by talking to people that claimed to support 'fascism' but clearly knew fuck all about it

I've been studying fascism for 15+ years. You yourself know fuck all about it other than what you read on Wikipedia or other leftist mainstream sources. Again, I encourage you to watch a Cultured Thug video. He breaks down the world view quite well. In fact, I'll help you.

And here, just for you:

The only way to boost fertility rate in a meaningful way is to take women's rights away. This is irrefutable..... what does the alt-right think about this?

I agree that some women's rights should be taken away as they are destructive to them. But again, I've addressed this earlier.

Given that the alt-right wants to institute a totalitarian system of governance


I was shocked when they actively argued against taking women's rights away

Most people in the Alt Right think women should have less rights. Be akin to slaves? No. That's retarded and for bush people.

Actually I have learned a lot about it and I am thankful for the alt-right at large for helping me with that

Not enough.

This was actually quite fun, you put up a much better 'fight' than the marxist socialists with their pure unadulterated retardation

Thanks. It was. Stick around and debate/learn more. I think you can change for the better and grow up in your worldview. I encourage you to stick around, Myth. You're not stupid, just misguided.