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[–]JasonCarswellPlatinum Foil Fedora 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

IMO the zionists are looking like Kazarianists/Ukrainianists lately.

Yes, not Semitic, using Jews as human shields.

I think it's also very important to point out that Ashkenazim are only 15% of Israeli population but are obviously the most influential because they bring in outside money, i.e. US tax dollars and European reparation dollars.


Just some things to keep in mind when you try to correct people. Personally I like to just say 'elites' or 'international elites' because it's such a critically small group of people controlling banking and NGOs and these people are majority Jew but also several other ethnicities. Primarily anglo.

Unless I'm going for brevity (ie. #FightElitesNotEachOther ), I avoid the word "elites" because there's nothing elite or exceptional about them besides their stolen wealth and power. I prefer to use " 'authorities' " in sarcastic brackets or "ruling class".

I don't think these elites see themselves as Jews but as a consortium of royal families. Jews to them are just the most reliable and constantly supportive core group. Jews more than other royals are born with an indifference to the population they rule over; making them the ideal managerial class.

I agree. In general, many if not most Jewish sects can be the supremacist victim tribe that suck and blow at the same time, hypocritical rules for thee, etc. Plus they are few enough, yet vast enough, ethic but not, religious but not, cultural but not, traditional but not, depraved but not, ambiguous but not - the Goldilocks of groups. However, in my limited but broad experience in many big cites in North America, there are a lot of normal people who happen to be Jewish but aren't tied into any of that malignant tribal stuff.

I don't think the top 300 families are 'zionists' per say. The 300 families are first and foremost human farmers. I.e. they set up systems that extract resources from other humans. If destroying 'zion' helped them continue their farming operations they'd do it. 'Zion' in my opinion was always just a cover story for a one world government for more regimented and permanent human control.

I would agree with that sentiment, but I would say they are Zionists because they always claim to be. Their label. Even if it means gassing their own, or collapsing the West, or destroying the currency, networks, manufacturing, trade, etc etc etc. - because they already have The Great Reset plan to centralize and rebuild their New World Order anew. Still ZZZtheirsZZZ.

[–]send_nasty_stuff 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Agreed. Well said. On a related note have you read this?

There was a pol thread on it last night with excerpts that made me start reading it. It's very good.