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[–][deleted] 9 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 2 fun -  (6 children)

Maybe. But we live in a capitalist world. In the end we will need to pay money to get some goods. Might as well support a company willing to acknowledge your needs than one that goes out of their way to ignore it and gaslight you into buying clothes that are uncomfortable. I do for example like wearing Aaerie over Victoria secret even though surprisingly VS more bra sizes for different shapes than aaerie. But VS is uncomfortable and a lot of it is design to be sexy for men than comfortable for women. Aaerie actually shows women of my age and body type and in fact their clothes feel very comfortable. Same with Soma. I didn’t find either ads of those stores sexual actually. If I need new bras and I have limited budget, who do you think I would support? Someone willing to meet my needs.

Yes it’s capitalism. I’m just wondering how would a communism handle different body types exactly?

[–]vitunrotta 8 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

I’m just wondering how would a communism handle different body types exactly?

I don't see the relevance here, honestly. It's not like there's only two options: full-blown capitalism or China-type communism. Yes, we require functioning economies and to an extent, therefore, also capitalism - but it needn't be just that. We should have countries where the economy is for the people, instead of people existing solely to keep up the economy. That is the essence of hardcore capitalism - to keep people as mindless little worker ants and bring massive riches to a handful of people (who aren't even taxed!). And need I mention there is no such thing as "trickle down economics..." Such trite.

Coming from a social democracy myself, I do believe a middle ground can be reached (even in bigger countries than the endlessly quoted Nordic countries). The biggest issue in my opinion for Americans especially is this strange idea that ANY socialist idea is basically 100% communism and/or totalitarianism & fascism. Not sure if you are from the U.S. but a lot of people from there have such peculiar, visceral reaction to functional, mildly socialist ideas (like, free health care, education etc.). I just don't get it. It's very backwards.

[–][deleted] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Why would the discussion of body type acceptance and communism not be relevant in a thread about body type acceptance and capitalism esp. in a sub that is anti capitalism and has a basis for marxism. Capitalism is still about goods and services sold for profit. If there is a market for it they will exploit it. So how would communism handle it? What would the feminist thing be in that case? I am genuinely asking since I think it’s easy to critize something you notice and not so much something you imagine.

You gave me the same talking points about communism everyone on both sides of the debate bring up like a mantra. I came from a semi socialist country and I think body acceptance there was easier because people had fewer but tailored clothes. People would get the cloth and get a tailor to stitch it to the design and measurement of the person. In fact I think western world issue with body acceptance is mostly created because of the mass production of already stitched clothes. You can standardize it only so far and everyone else will have to adjust to it. It’s the sacrifice people need to do for efficiency. Mass produced clothes are never going to fit perfectly. Then there is imagery in advertising where it gets troubling I guess. In the end people have needs many times it’s individual. This thread complains that is just capitalism that’s driving the body acceptance movement. Sure but that’s because they identified a market. They are playing within the parameters of the economic system we have. How would body acceptance play out on a communist system? In the end communist systems will still have to produce goods towards more varied set of people. They would still have to advertise to their target demographic. Criticizing advertising never made sense to me to be honest esp. what I usually see in communist circles.

[–]vitunrotta 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Right. So firstly - my bad that I read your comment in a thwarted way. You’re right in that capitalism exists to mainly exploit any and every person, and also any and every ideology, like feminism. They just neatly wrap it up in a sellable package and boy do we buy into that shit.

I am completely confused why you keep bringing communism into the discussion as if it was the only way to fight capitalism, though. I am personally VERY anti-capitalist and also VERY anti-communist (but still fiscally very left). In fact, I’d wager most people are but hey that’s just my guess.

Few facts: Capitalism is horseshit and exists only to create massive amounts of wealth for a very few people, usually by sheer exploitation of the poor and uneducated and in some cases literal slavework. Communism is horseshit and exists only to keep big crowds under totalitarian power, and allows the nation to have full control of any and every aspect of any individual’s life that resides there. Scare tactics, you may say.

Conclusion - both are nothing but a “nice” idea that is advertised (in capitalism, literally) as some kind of freedom - when they’re anything BUT.

I tried explaining that there is a lot more grey area between these two extreme ideologies (or whatever they should be called) and some countries have very successfully found the best way of mixing the two worlds (this is CERTAINLY not to say things are perfect, but there’s a middle ground for sure).

I must admit I am at a loss as to what “semi-socialist” means? I will not ask you to announce your country of origin as I fully respect your right to privacy, but if possible, is there another very similar country you could think of being “semi-socialist” so that I can have an idea of what this actually means?

Finally and most importantly: it’s completely redundant to talk about “how would a communist be more feminist” because they are literally known for the complete lack of free speech - which is the FIRST, most important, imperative thing to have in any society to have even ONE feminist (who can call herself that without fearing for their life). So no, communism would not be any more understanding or body positive or any of that - it would force its own ideals down your throat just like capitalism does. Perhaps I am not understanding your point of view? Am I missing something here? I’m quite confused, in all honesty, feel free to clarify your points if you have time.

In the meantime I can say from actual, lived experience that a socialist democratic country/way of running one is at this moment THE most equal in every way and also allows women (and men) much more freedom to express themselves in what ever way they want or don’t, and very few people care how others look, who they marry, what religion they follow (or don’t) etc.

I’ll reiterate: both big C’s are bullshit. To me it feels like I’m trying to discuss if the best way to treat cancer is to eat blueberries or blackberries. Que confusão.

Edit; clarified wording.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Well Gender Critical is a radical feminist movement and it’s foundation is in Marxism. Marxism has ties to communism, hence why I bring it up. I’m anti capitalist but not pro communism. I think it’s totally fair question to bring up in this space.

Semi socialist is that the government owns majority share in companies but private citizens are allowed to run businesses as well. So the government owns banks, airlines, oil, mining etc but private citizens are allowed to open their own to compete.

[–]tea4two 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I lived in a communist country and in that particular country was subjected to more capitalism and advertising than ever before in my life. (I didn't expect that.) The local models were even skinnier, more plastic surgeried, and photoshopped (to an alien degree) than what I saw in American advertising. Very little variation in features, no variation in age, size etc.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think I know which country you are talking about. It really is the worst of both systems really. I would think communism would force you into a stricter mould since competition isn’t encouraged.