What is the official take by this forum on how to deal with homosexuality? What should be done to help these people or alternately be ridden if them? by PunisherStickerGuy in debatealtright

[–]Schlomo_Gaschamberg 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Agreed. I have no idea how so many people can think that faggotry is static and essentially unchanging throughout history. If it was, why didn't we have 'Gay Pride' and 'marriage equality' thousands of years ago? The pressure for those things would have been roughly the same as it is now provided that the percentage of fags remains static.

It is, as you say, a modern issue. The percentage of them seems to grow with each subsequent generation. Back when I was in high school there were literally zero open faggots. There were two secretive faggots who knew each other. Other than that, every student was straight-passing. Among the teachers, there was one lesbian: an ugly, midget-like, brown untermensch who thankfully did not reproduce. There was no 'pride'—no flags, no events, nothing. But what happened was that once these kids went to college and beyond, then some of these straight-passing kids indeed revealed themselves to be faggots.

Fast forward to that same school today, less than two decades later: faggotry is everywhere. 'Pride' is everywhere. I can only wonder what will happen in the next 10-20 years. I imagine that a large amount of child trannies is the next step.

Also, the demographic was probably like 90% White at that time, whereas it wouldn't be anywhere near that high now. Glad I was born early enough to get through the education system before being somebody who is not a fag or tranny is to be the odd one out.

The snowball is starting to take shape in America. by Markimus in debatealtright

[–]Schlomo_Gaschamberg 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I remember 2015/2016 discourse in the alt right was almost all retarded

Indeed, it was. I started around late 2013 or possibly very early 2014 at the latest. In 2015-16 I used to frequent the TRS forum, and as you say, there were far more memes and trolling, and far more infighting and banning of people who were either degens or hostile trolls. It was more like 4chan pol (which I've never frequented) than anything else I can describe. Nowadays, however, I see less of those types around. I remember some loser calling himself 'Zon Kuthon' who particularly seemed to be mentally ill and who was finally banned after threatening to doxx someone if they didn't send him money. Next to outright infiltrators, it's these kinds of insane, criminally inclined shitheels that are most counter-productive to the cause.

Since Antifa degens have little access to functional people that would 'pass' as 'Far-Right' that mostly leaves the problem of the classic 'Feds', the state agents. Now, that isn't to say that there haven't been Far-Left non-state infiltrators in the past. I remember around 2015 that some idiot with a general skinhead appearance got into the NSM. Of course, the NSM had a lot of low-quality people, making it easier for Antifa to pass. He stole one of their flags and burnt it for his Facebook profile pic. But usually they're suspicious: one Antifa got into PF maybe a year ago, but people noticed that he was particularly out-of-shape and was probably also a homosexual. However, I think he was to do with the PF leaks because someone stupidly put him near their computer systems before he disappeared. We do need to get better at sniffing out infiltrators, particularly since they demotivate people from actually 'going irl', and the fear of them keeps people online.

I think the whole immature infighting/trolling/constant banning thing big in those times is still going on over at Telegram, but I've never used it to see for myself. I remember that Zoltanous character complaining about people spamming CP in his Telegram group. More recently, an older fellow by the name of TexasVet was lambasting one of the GDL people, who kept pushing the idea that he is a Fed. Whatever the case, I do think that a lot of the less serious and more subversive types have faded away over the years.

As for the 'Trump slump', I suppose I missed the obvious fact that PF and NJP did not predate the Trump era. I didn't really know anything about the TWP other than they existed, either. What I'm basing this on is the fact that so many people had confidence particularly in Trumpianism (e.g. that it would be the nucleus of a much larger 'Alt-Right' and that we were 'going mainstream'). This was, I remember thinking at the time, a total media fabrication. Basically, the mass media misappropriated the term 'Alt-Right' for a time and started using it all of a sudden to smear Trump, such that there was even a time when Trump claimed to be 'Alt-Right' until someone pointed out to him what it actually was and he naturally disavowed it. There was even a period for a few months where Trump supporters were calling themselves 'Alt-Right' and accusing us of bizarrely stealing 'their' label. But it ceased almost as rapidly as it started. I noticed years later that Greg Johnson seemed to think that was the apex of the movement: perhaps it was, but it was obvious that Trumpianism is very different from the 'Alt-Right', and if the Trumpianists kept using the label, it would have forced us to stop using it then and there. We couldn't possibly control the Trumpianists because they vastly outnumber us: there's millions of them. Rather than the 'Alt-Right' turning them into ethnonats, they'd end up controlling the 'Alt-Right' and turning it into civic nationalism instead.

Now, the reason why the mass media called Trump 'Alt-Right' was obviously to harm him by linking him to 'extremists', obviously with the intent of damaging his reputation among the masses. But those messages were interpreted differently by the real 'Alt-Right', since the identification of somebody with us naturally makes that person go up in our esteem: 'The mass media says he is like us, so he must be good'. Thus, for example, all the 'God Emperor' meme stuff of that time period. Furthermore, people who are viewed as bad by the mass media and the masses in general also seem to go up in our esteem, for example, all the anti-Putin and anti-Orban bullshit makes us like them a little bit more rather than less: there's the (usually correct) idea that if our enemies hate someone, they must be doing something right.

Of course, by 2019 at the latest even the most enthusiastic supporters of a 'Trumpianist-Alt-Right' fusion became very distanced from the Trumpians, and if anything we're at war with them these days.

But, on the topic of entryism, in 2016 just after Trump was elected, I remember a TRS guy who called himself 'Ghost' who did the stupid thing of showing his face on YouTube, and if I remember rightly, at the same time trying to get into the Republican Party. Unsurprisingly, he got himself doxxed and totally disappeared from the scene altogether. So there were at least some people (this guy and a few others at TRS) at the time who switched their opinion on the way forward to entryism, and that was the fault of Trump's rise and, in particular, of the mass media making him seem excessively 'bad' and 'fascistic' to the hoi polloi (which we naturally reinterpret as adding to, rather than subtracting from, a person's worth).

The snowball is starting to take shape in America. by Markimus in debatealtright

[–]Schlomo_Gaschamberg 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

One thing that is easy to notice with Left-liberal extremists is that they don't venture far. I first noticed that back in the George Floyd riots: even though these scum had more of a problem with the Republicans (who they tend to think are 'fascists') than the Democrats (who they tend to think are 'conservatives' or the 'semi-fascists' Biden accuses Trumpians of being), they only really caused havoc in their own deep blue cities, and usually in the city centres of said cities.

There was a time when some of these pricks actually went to start trouble in some town only for the locals to beat them up; the morons returned to their deep blue safe spaces in whichever city whence they came.

The same thing happened after the SCOTUS decision on Roe: the scum rioted most of all in deep blue cities such Los Angeles, Portland and Salem. The most that some managed was travel to Richmond, Virginia, where the Supreme Court is: but plenty of pro-life protesters also traveled there to surround that place. Considering that Richmond is also very deep blue (the only Republican mayoral candidate got 0.5% of the vote last mayoral election), much worse could have happened there.

That leads me to think that so long as deep blue cities are avoided, that only leaves the State's dregs as posing a problem to groups like the NJP; but not the dregs of the Far-Left, who are only going to Tweet about it from afar. As long as no one gets the dumb as rocks idea of marching somewhere like downtown LA (i.e. deep blue and overwhelmingly nonwhite), I think they'll be fine.

Charlottesville, however, voted 85.5% Democrat in the last Presidential election, and the Republicans don't even stand mayoral candidates in that city (there are only Democrats and independents), so whoever thought that it was a good idea to go there was an absolute moron. Areas with a low level of Democrat support are clearly much safer: the few Antifa who might be around won't bother showing up if they know they'll be heavily outnumbered.

The snowball is starting to take shape in America. by Markimus in debatealtright

[–]Schlomo_Gaschamberg 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

At the moment, this is the only hope that anyone has to fulfill the counter-revolution against today's post-revolutionary bilge on the macro-level. We can think of the three main ways that our people have believed that transformative social change is possible. Here, I do not bother with accelerationism because South Africa being crime-ridden and 85% nonwhite or more has not led to any mass awakening, leading me to believe that there is no particular tipping point so long as the process of regressive thirdworldization happens gradually enough, which has been the case so far. (South African Whites have simply became accustomed to their environment, which is likely already the case with Whites who choose to remain in places like Detroit, and this allows them to cling to 'normie' politics.) Here I obviously also exclude micro-level activities seemingly all of which involve 'going irl', the leading of which is the 'parallel society' and forming communities of like-minded people. Obviously if millions of people did the latter, we would be in a very good position (it is simply impossible for them to kill and imprison so many people without validating so much of our worldview, i.e. that Whites are being persecuted simply for the innocuous and morally unobjectionable 'crime' of voluntarily seeking to separate themselves from the crumbling, self-destructive, regressive melting pot of 'humanity'). But thinking on this right now I also think that the formation of groups like PA is also the best step to forming such communities, because it is only in those groups that I see any progress being made in this regard. So let us think solely on the societal level, the macro-level.

Firstly, entryism into centre-right parties has only ever led to mass expulsion of the entrants. In my country (not America) I've seen this happen twice: here, the centre-to-right-leaning mainstream party keeps sliding in a socioculturally radical Left direction and is very resistant to any attempt to reverse that slide. Over the past few years, they've really reduced the numbers of remaining Burkean, paleoconservative types to make way for more centre-to-centre-left neoliberal shitheels whose only interest is in 'jobs', 'GDP' and the like. The same thing is happening in America with all the homos and the Trans-Jenner in the GOP: unable to withstand the Leftward drift, they keep clinging to all sorts of endless compromises with the Left. The GOP's clutching onto perceived lifelines like Kanye West (who has only ever made political donations to radically 'progressive' black Democrats), Elon Musk (who claims that he supports the 'Left-wing of the Republican Party' and the 'Right-wing of the Democratic Party') and Tulsi Gabbard (who only ever became very marginally tolerable most recently) shows their outright desperation. Obviously, all of these perceived lifelines would only ever drag the GOP further in the Democrats' direction.

Secondly, pushing our ideas into the centre-right (i.e. our ideologies controlling their party machinery) in a way that they replace those of the centre-right is progressing too slowly. Yes, segments of the centre-right (particularly in America, I think) seem to have become slightly more J-woke. However, there are too many beliefs which we have, most of which have made no inroads into the centre-right despite our pushing them for decades. After all, most of what the Trumpians have appropriated are memes such as Pepe and Kek, but since these are not accompanied by a genuine appropriation of our beliefs (viz. what actually matters), then they are actually doing more harm to us than good. The reason for this is that by adopting our imagery and not our beliefs, they give the false image of being genuinely counter-revolutionary and thus serving as a pacifier, exactly as the centrist-neoliberal Trump Administration did: at times nationalistic and transformative in rhetoric and yet changing nothing in practice. Furthermore, the ardent philo-Semitism surrounding Trumpianism has served as a wall preventing even the normalization even of this singular belief in 'anti-Semitism'. We've seen the responses to the GDL's posters: shitheel GOP politicians are still outright condemning them. We can only ever say that 'anti-Semitism' has made significant inroads once GOP politicians shut their stupid mouths over what the GDL are doing: only at that point can we safely say that philo-Semitism is no longer politically rewarding and is thus is capable of generating a backlash. Obviously, a politician's overt philo-Semitism is a reflection of his voters' philo-Semitism: even a politician indifferent to Jews will be an ardent philo-Semite if that's what his voters expect.

But here we see that the third and last option really is working, even if it is easy to dismiss on the grounds that electoral victories are impossible. But, regardless, we can clearly see that these three events all occurring—without any low-IQ degenerate Far-Left 'anti-fascist' shitwits and the mindless 'ZOGbot' pigs causing enough trouble to 'shut it down'—is possibly the best thing we've seen in years.

I am hoping that this growth is not merely a reaction to the Biden Presidency, which is every bit the trainwreck Leftoids said the Trump Presidency would be, plus extra. After all, we were growing much faster during the fool Obastard's time, whereas the 'Trump slump' had no positive effect for us, leading people back to entryism and Trumpianism. The Trump years, however, saw the Far-Left more emboldened and brazen, strengthened rather than weakened, whereas it is more difficult to see what good they did for us.

Communism is NOT "anti-white" by HeWhoGlows in debatealtright

[–]Schlomo_Gaschamberg 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is, by far, the dumbest motherfucking post I've ever seen on here in the two years or so that this subsaidit has been going. Mostly because, unlike the other contenders, you aren't even trolling.

Firstly, presumably you're talking about 'tankies' and not the likes of the CPUSA who are even more stupid. That means I'd be on the same 'side' as Jackson Hinkle, Infrared Haz and Caleb Maupin, all of whom are insufferable, moronic and even more fringe than the 'Dissident Right'. Haz, for example, is a mentally-ill dipshit who—when he isn't screaming about some perceived enemy like Keith Woods—routinely screams at his own cult followers. He spews constant ahistorical nonsense. For instance, that Hoxha 'respected' Islam when Albania was one of the most militantly atheistic countries in the Soviet bloc, such that they destroyed all but three or so religious structures (of both the Muslim majority and the Christian minority) in the whole country. Or that East Germany, which started the 'Holocaustianity' quasi-religion far earlier than West Germany, was laughably 'conservative'.

The first four paragraphs are simply economic reductionist nonsense. I couldn't care less about some abstract Marxist conception of 'imperialism', one which hasn't even led to new wars in many years, 'bad healthcare', or a lack of industry in some third-world, socially radical, shithole country. They aren't even in my top ten list of issues.

Paragraph Five: I categorically reject the notion that there are any problems inherent to any sufficiently nationalized form of capitalism.

Firstly, capitalism and socialism both tend towards globalization, e.g. the 'world socialist state' under Marxism. Capitalism-globalism against socialism-nationalism is simply a false dichotomy.

Secondly, the solution to globalization is a totalitarian state whose authority is vast enough to never be weaker within its own borders than any rival entity. American globalization can clearly be stopped through a combination of the willpower (i.e. the right ideology, which cannot be a materialist ideology like liberalism nor Marxism) and actual state power.

America likely already has the latter given that the amount of 'red tape' on business—unbeknownst to those who wrongly think that America is dogmatically free-market (see, for example, this graphic https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9e/Most_protectionist_countries_in_the_world_2013.png which shows that America is actually moving away from the free-market at a rapid pace, with more protectionist measures being enacted even than in supposedly state socialist or state capitalist Red China during the same time period)—grows faster there than in almost every other country. That just means that America has the wrong ideology to reel in capitalism's excesses and unwanted side effects, to which M-L (which is even more materialistic) is no improvement.

Paragraph Seven: Firstly, capitalists were clearly subordinate to the state in NatSoc Germany.

Secondly, there is no absolutely zero proof for capitalist support for the NSDAP before they took power.

Thirdly, you're unfairly comparing the well tried and tested Bolshevik-Leninism to an ideology that Bolshevik-Leninism teamed up with the same liberalism it purports to be against to destroy. Marxism in its myriad forms is simply a mutated branch of liberalism, and is in no way whatsoever its antithesis, au contraire, it tries to realize liberal ideals, particularly of equality, to a greater extent than liberalism itself.

Fourthly, wealth inequality in the USSR and in China was/is far higher than in America, hence the writing on what has been termed the 'New Class'—i.e. the 'privileged bureaucracy'. The only counterargument that can be given for this is the worthless 'no true socialism' argument.

The 'only option' is a counter-revolution against late-modernity—which fascism did not go far enough to realize, having compromised too greatly with it—and not to continue on the path of the revolutions that began long ago, paths on which M-L would only be supplanted by even more degenerate ideologies like those of the 'post-Left'.

Who do you think were the best and worst US Presidents? by Nasser in debatealtright

[–]Schlomo_Gaschamberg 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I have no real opinion on Jackson: Jackson's popularity on the Right usually stems from misconceptions of him—particularly those by Walter Russell Mead—who wrongly painted Jackson as some kind of mercantilist, nationalist, populist, protectionist, and traditionalist. However, the real Jackson at the very least actively opposed mercantilism and protectionism. That fucktard pseudohistorian 'socks' is one of those who hates Jackson on this very website: precisely because he wrongly believes that Mead's 'Jackson' resembles the real Jackson.

Jackson is one of the most lied about Presidents in American history. Let's examine three of the most egregious examples:

1. Jackson fought one hundred duels:

This farcical claim appeared in Atlantic and Newsweek articles. The origin of this claim is an 1828 pamphlet, which claims that Jackson may have partook in a hundred fights. However, Jackson partook in only one duel, and in that he was injured. The claim that Jackson may have partook in up to one hundred fights eventually mutated into the claim that he did take part in one hundred duels.

2. Jackson kept Amerindian skulls as trophies:

This nonsense claim has latest appeared in a 2019 book authored by Yale historian Greg Grandin.

Originally, Jackson wrote in an 1814 letter that he had been so successful in retrieving the bodies of all his own KIA that not a single one of his men had been scalped by the Amerindians.

A 1979 book by an idiotic Japanese-American 'historian', Ronald Takaki, misquotes this as claiming that Jackson wrote that he had successfully scalped every Amerindian his men had killed.

Grandin's 2019 book takes this 1979 claim and changes 'scalps' to 'skulls'. In conclusion, Jackson's claim that he had avoided having any of his own men scalped by the Amerindians mutated into the ridiculous claim that he himself collected Amerindian skulls.

3. Jackson used bridle reins made of Indian flesh

This nonsense claim has latest appeared in a 2020 book authored by female black journalist Isabel Wilkerson.

Originally, an 1895 book stated that a man told its authors that some of Jackson's men (without his knowledge) may have done this to some Amerindians. The man in question died in 1882.

The exact same 1979 book by Takaki mentioned above misquotes the 1895 book, but instead claims that it was a fact rather than mere hearsay.

A 1992 book misquotes Takaki's 1979 book as instead claiming that Jackson personally supervised his men doing this.

A 1997 book by black 'philosopher' Charles Mills misquotes this 1992 book as instead claiming that Jackson was personally involved. Wilkerson then takes Mills' 1997 claim one step further to its current form: that Jackson himself skinned Amerindians to make bridle reins of their flesh.

In conclusion, hearsay mutated into the claim that Jackson personally skinned Amerindians to use their flesh as bridle reins.

What we should learn from these three ridiculous claims is that much of what people believe about Andrew Jackson (and history more generally) is, in fact, total nonsense.

As for the question, I'm not going to attempt ranking them. But I definitely do not like: Lincoln, Wilson (a clear globalist without whom the UN probably would not later exist), FDR, LBJ, Clinton, Obama and the current POTUS.

Blackpill on Brothers of Italy? by casparvoneverec in debatealtright

[–]Schlomo_Gaschamberg 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The closest thing to 'good guys' there are those fringe groups like Tricolour Flame and Forza Nuova, the latter being the group mentioned in the article as one that Brothers of Italy called for banning. All of the other groups, including the Lega, are garbage. Imagine giving up northern separatism when southern Italy are the ones who empower the idiots like PD and 5SM. All for what? Their midwit Berber mongrel minds that also produced the Mafia and all of those other criminal groups? The crimes that they commit are far worse than that of vandalizing trade union offices.

Condemning 'all totalitarianism' just sounds like the lame Trumpism that Salvini embraced. Just because liberetardians also tend towards thinking that the mandates surrounding Covid are garbage doesn't mean that any party of the Right needs to accommodate their ideas on every other issue, which are overwhelmingly incorrect. All this pro-NATO and EU, pro-Jew, Israel, Ukraine and Zionist, the anti-Russia stuff, all of it is all braindead. Most of these things should be depoliticized if they can't be backflipped on: they are of no relevance to everyday life whatsoever.

America isn't going to go from completely opposing their participation in any future government to accepting it just because of your virtue signalling for Zelensky, for the intergovernmental organizations, for the American-led liberal international order, for Israel. Why act like you need their approval?

This is just like the Austrian FPO all over again. Allegations of corruption. Ties to the Far-Far-Far-off-the-charts-Right (given that the FPO are already 'Far-Right' in this ridiculous Overton Window). Then the next election happens, they go from being in the halls of power to a fringe group again. No to Meloni, no to the Italian Le Pen.

How based can you be in r/PoliticalCompassMemes? What is your opinion on the sub? by [deleted] in debatealtright

[–]Schlomo_Gaschamberg 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I didn't start using it until a few months before they deplatformed en bloc most of the 'Right-wing' subreddits. I then stopped using it immediately after that, since there was very little of interest left on the site. The account still isn't banned, though.

Recently, however, I made another account; this time, exactly to post on PCM. I only made five comments before being banned. Probably for calling a homosexual, furry, 'transitioning' Canadian male, who has been married and divorced to some other homo, and is now trying to get a Russian homo into Canada, out for what he is. Maybe that isn't even the funniest part of it: the guy also literally thinks he's a wolf trapped in a human body.

One thing that I've noticed is that almost any explicitly Left-wing account belongs to some total degenerate if you scroll down far enough and piece it all together. For example: Antifa, Satanist, part-Amerindian M2F tranny. Another hilarious one was some 18-year old male who posted with a 'Left' flair on PCM, who literally was sucking off men for money because his parents would not pay for his 'transitioning'. It seems like the normies are all something like this now.

I think a lot of 'Auth Right' labelled Redditards are simply trolls who choose it because it's the least socially acceptable and most provocative of all four quadrants. After all, if one simply wanted to elicit reactions from normies, one would be better off posing as a literal Nahtzee than as a 'MAP' or anything else. 'Racism' is worse than pedophilia to these people.

A lot of it is also braindead. Four hours ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/vg91xe/no/

By a self-identified 'LibLeft'. Both the GOP and the Democrats laughably appear close to where I appear on that quiz. Democrats are bizarrely far Auth-Centre and GOP are far Auth-Right (both are literally Hitler!). Somehow has 77 upvotes despite being completely retarded.

Numbers Show Racist Great Replacement Conspiracy Theory Has Found Audience in Canada by DisastrousDepth14 in debatealtright

[–]Schlomo_Gaschamberg 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Haven't been to that site in a few years. I wonder if Disqus banned them or they simply switched to this other system.

I also wonder if John Engelman and 'a multiracial individual' are still around, shitting up the new comment section just as they shitted up the old one.

97th food processing plant to burn down since 2021, this time in Wisconsin by casparvoneverec in debatealtright

[–]Schlomo_Gaschamberg 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Whatever the truth may be behind this, you just know that a whole heap of morons out there are probably already trying to pin this on 'White supremacist terrorists' and 'Russian agents'. The fact that so few people seem to know about this is almost as suspicious as the fires themselves.

I'm ardently anthropocentric on the environment; but I do feel for all of those poor animals that spend their lives laying eggs and becoming meat just to keep alive millions of hormone-gel-guzzling, inbred-looking 52%'ers.

Then again, I guess that being roasted like that is actually a better fate than ending up in some MAP tranny's stomach.

Millions of Canadians believe in white replacement theory: poll by radicalcentrist in debatealtright

[–]Schlomo_Gaschamberg 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I had a look through that thread. These Canadian losers are practically braindead. Bla-bla-conspiracy-theory-nuts-bla-bla-racism-bla-bla-muh-First-Nations-bla-bla-payback-4-colonialism-bla-bla. The post of this at r/onguardforthee is even worse.

Just a whole list of predictable excuses and coping from a people thoroughly deracinated and disembedded. They simply seem to have adopted some kind of indifference, a resigned determinism or fatalism: it's inevitable; we can't do anything about it; just accept it; come what may; she'll be right; we need population growth for muh GDP; they have the kids we don't have because 'we can't afford them'; they do the jobs we don't do.

They aren't not having kids because they 'can't afford them'. The average Nigerien woman has seven kids and has nowhere near the wealth of the average Canadian. The very great-grandparents of most of these losers owned less, their great-grandmothers probably didn't even work, and still had three or more kids. What they really mean to say is this: I can't afford children on top of all of my addictions, habits, hobbies, subscriptions and so forth. I don't want to stop consuming or being career-oriented.

Furthermore, they aren't having kids because the men distrust the women and many of them are jacking it all day over hentai or porn. Because the women think the men are oppressing them and will rape them if they let their guard down. Because they're exceedingly butchering their bodies at an ever-earlier age. Because they think the world will end in a few decades and faster still if they have a child, and so forth.

If that's not bad enough, the more degenerate ones go a step further and rationalize it: if it's bad, well, we deserve it, because, like, we should have collective, intergenerational guilt what our ancestahs did to the natives n sheeit.

Reddit and Twitter are probably the two most low-IQ sites on the surface web. YouTubers on most videos are also as dumb as a sack of rocks. These websites have often gave me a sense of anomie when I use them. This is one reason why I come here instead: this is one of the few places online where I feel like I can interact with people who are to varying degrees a cut above that common moronic 'mass man' filth.

Notice how fake Redditards are? Always going on about 'love' and how they're against fear and hate, whilst they're most misanthropic and fearful losers alive, always scared shitless that 'fascism' and the mass murder of whichever pissant deviant group they value most is always just one tiny little election cycle away. On top of that, they routinely wish death on Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, Putin, Trump, etc., and are ecstatic when one of their 'enemies', like Justice Scalia or Rush Limbaugh, dies.

What is the official take by this forum on how to deal with homosexuality? What should be done to help these people or alternately be ridden if them? by PunisherStickerGuy in debatealtright

[–]Schlomo_Gaschamberg 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, I exceedingly think the Social Constructionist side of the debate (sociocultural) seems to be correct, not the Essentialist (genetics) one. The problem is that the queers and their 'allies' routinely move between these two sides when it suits them.

For example, when we say that sexuality is mutable and therefore that we can solve the problem by affecting sociocultural changes, then they resort to what is known as the 'Born This Way' argument. This essentialist argument is that people shouldn't be blamed for things that they can't help themselves doing. Once a female sociologist told me that she didn't even believe in that, and just promoted it for optical reasons.

But when we say that sexuality is immutable and therefore that we can solve the problem by removing these people from society or tampering with their genes, then they revert back to the constructionist and fluid arguments. For example, that you can't really get rid of queers because anyone can simply just wake up one day and find that his sexuality has 'changed'. So there is no real way to identify who to remove.

Another obvious example can be found in schools:

If we say that 'we're coming for your kids' [in classrooms] is a threat, they'll simply resort to essentialism: We can't turn your kids queer, we only want to make them tolerant of queers.

Yet those same teachers are the ones telling kids that they can 'choose' their sexuality, that sexuality 'changes', that it is heterosexuality and not all of these new fangled sexualities that are what is socially constructed, that heterosexuality is simply a 'breeding kink', that heterosexuality is itself homophobic, transphobic, etc. and all sorts of other nonsense.

It seems to me that two things are certain: Firstly, Social Constructionism is their sincere belief, and their view is indeed correct if increasing numbers positively correlate with increasing tolerance of their ways. Secondly, Essentialism and the 'Born That Way' argument is something they hide behind in order to absolve themselves of guilt: 'B-b-but we can't help ourselves! We have no choice in the matter! It's unfair that you want to be rid of us!'

Fratelli d'Italia is now the biggest party in Italy by Ethnocrat in debatealtright

[–]Schlomo_Gaschamberg 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, I agree that Forza Nuova and Tricolour Flame, having gotten nowhere as political parties, would be much better off as interest groups. Mostly because interest groups are one of the very few types of institutions in the West whose memberships are actually growing, whereas political party memberships have been declining for decades on end in almost every European country. It seems like people are more interested in the 'metapolitical' than the political. They are turned off by the nuts and bolts of actually running in elections and so forth: elections are costly (especially for challengers, not so much for incumbents), stressful experiences.

PD having limited ability to grow because of the unpopularity of the 'postmaterialist', pluralist type of Leftism ubiquitous in the Anglosphere sounds good. To me they look like the biggest problem in Italy, owing to their size, and I hope that younger Italians are not attracted to them in the way that younger Anglosphere voters are very attracted to similar kinds of movements (particularly ones that put a Green environmentalist and/or Animal Rights twist on top of the standard social democratic, pluralist, 'postmaterialist' politics), like the German Die Grunen.

I noticed that the M5S people who were elected years ago, like Virginia Raggi in Rome, seem to have lost their seats largely if not entirely back to the PD. M5S—a party I've noticed is hated by Western media like The Guardian for its populism—looks like a brief 'flash in the pan', capitalizing on an anti-establishment sentiment.

My guess for their decline is either that the anti-establishment sentiment that put them into power has died off; that because the M5S was more about getting establishment figures out of power rather than having a positive vision in power, they did not really have an idea of what to do once they won power; and that because M5S were political upstarts, they were inept in realizing any vision (direct democracy, I think also a UBI, etc.) that they might have had.

There is a sort of horseshoe going on where some more socialist and populist voters might be more likely to support FdI over PD if forced to make that choice? Which parties do they normally vote for? All the other Left parties like 'Italian Left' (SI) and 'Article One' look very similar to the PD to me.

Fratelli d'Italia is now the biggest party in Italy by Ethnocrat in debatealtright

[–]Schlomo_Gaschamberg 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

From what I know, I'd be closest to the Tricolour Flame and New Force in that country. But they look like they can't really get anywhere.

I don't like Salvini or Berlusconi, nor their Lega and Forza Italia parties. I see FdI as being closer to the genuine 'extreme-Right' than the populist Lega and Forza Italia parties, so I guess FdI is all I can hope for. I don't like Meloni, though, who I think is not much different to France's Le Pen. You make her sound even worse with the pro-NATO nonsense, which is even more wrongheaded if it isn't even what most of the FdI voter base want. Is it really important for Italian candidates to look as though they have good relations with the American government?

I agree that M5S is trash. It is actually Left-wing populist, and not much better than the biggest group of bad guys, the PD. The only difference seems to be in that the PD seems a more cosmopolitan, pluralist, technocratic party that has probably lost all sense of 'Italianness'. A party of 'Anywheres'.

Whereas the M5S at least still might have an 'Italianness', even if it is that of southern Italy, of pizza and Mafias, and not that of the north.

Do you think it's possible that PD or any other essentially Left-wing group could make a comeback? That seems to be the trend across practically all of the Americas (Peru, Chile, Honduras and Colombia all come to mind, with Brazil sure to follow) as well as Australia very recently. Turkey also looks to have a Left-wing, pro-EU victory coming soon. The only outlier I can think of is Ecuador, but that is more because of the absolute bungling of the country by the previous Left-wing government.

In most of these places it seems to be Covid, and the responses to it, that most hurt incumbents, and so I imagine that Italy's response has deeply harmed the Draghi government. But Draghi is in an odd position because he has cobbled together parties from both sides. And so I imagine that Covid is currently harming M5S, Lega, PD, Forza Italia and Renzi's party. While FdI, being in opposition, is benefiting from Covid?

I'm going to take a wild guess here: with Lega and FI essentially abandoning the Right to join Draghi, M5S, PD and Renzi, it is their voter bases that are drifting to FdI as a response to this kind of betrayal? Or is it more that the Lega/FI voters supported aligning with Draghi in the hope of diminishing the even greater influence the Left would have had over his government if they did not join in to counterbalance it?

I Am Michael Slay: The Incredibly Strange, Incredibly True Story of How Someone with the Last Name Goldberg Became a Writer on the Most Popular Neo-Nazi Website By Joshua Ryne Goldberg by send_nasty_stuff in debatealtright

[–]Schlomo_Gaschamberg 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

What happened to that list of usernames of people who posted on Reddit DAR that was used to invite people here?

The Wayback Machine doesn't have any of those Reddit accounts except 'European88'. However, 'Wake_Up_White_Man' was never banned from Reddit. Either way, he didn't spend much time using that account: it was created January 6, 2014, and last posted in that same year, after getting 5,619 karma.

Proud_European - Suspended

Gas-the-Kikes - Suspended

Wake_Up_White_Man - https://www.reddit.com/user/Wake_Up_White_Man

Le_Cancer-kin - Suspended

MayMayPoster - Suspended

That the stuff on that account's history didn't get him banned really shows how Reddit has changed. He wouldn't get away with posting those comments today.

I Am Michael Slay: The Incredibly Strange, Incredibly True Story of How Someone with the Last Name Goldberg Became a Writer on the Most Popular Neo-Nazi Website By Joshua Ryne Goldberg by send_nasty_stuff in debatealtright

[–]Schlomo_Gaschamberg 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There's a lot of people who should be in jail who aren't. Aubrey "Kirtaner" Cottle, who claims to have founded Anonymous, is clearly still involved in doxxing people to this day.

Yet instead of receiving Goldberg's treatment, he's been uploading garbage to TikTok and Twitch streaming video games. I don't believe this guy has ever been apprehended by police, and he seems totally confident that he never actually will fall afoul of the law. After all, he's now hacking into Russian websites and doxxing 'Nazis' and otherwise doing System-friendly activities: he's of more use to governments outside of jail than in.

Likewise, when this Goldberg asshole gets out, you can rest assured that so long as he targets the right people (i.e. not a Jewish lawyer, which clearly crossed the line) he'll be able to behave with relative impunity. I bet he'll even be giving TED talks on his 'story'. He'll probably be advising groups like the ADL/SPLC/HNH, that is, if he is not outright employed by them to continue his activities against 'Nazis' in a more disciplined manner.

I Am Michael Slay: The Incredibly Strange, Incredibly True Story of How Someone with the Last Name Goldberg Became a Writer on the Most Popular Neo-Nazi Website By Joshua Ryne Goldberg by send_nasty_stuff in debatealtright

[–]Schlomo_Gaschamberg 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I remember the 'Joshua Goldberg' name back when he was outed as a zhid troll. I didn't know that he was some megalomanical douchebag who seems to greatly overestimate whatever influence or power he had. Nor was he even big in the Jihadist scene. He had around 60 Twitter followers when his 'Australi Witness' account was banned. The Jew-hadist has nothing to brag about; though he obviously believes otherwise, there is nothing 'incredible' about his story.

I don't know any of those usernames. I wasn't a Reddit user, but I don't recognize them from websites I commented on at the time, like TRS forum (Disqus, and when that was banned, then in their forum), AmRen (Disqus) or, to a lesser extent, the Daily Stormer (Disqus at that time, they had their own forum thing later on) and Eurocanadian (Disqus). It's been years since I commented on any of them, and most of that was pre-2016. Goldberg's antics were already over around the time that Trump began his ascendance in the American political scene.

His article makes it clear that he is no longer into 'trolling' because he went far enough with his roleplaying that he got people killed, and so he was jailed, even if he's still a 'nihilist' in his own words. I don't think he'll be back: if he will be, it'll no longer be as an intrinsically motivated 'troll' but as someone hired by those groups like the ADL/SPLC because of his 'expertise'.

Most of his article seems to be accusing Anglin of being a total untermensch, but all he seems to succeed in doing is confirming the stereotype of the subversive zhid. Goldberg himself was a weak-looking neckbeard at the time of his arrest: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d7/Joshua_Ryne_Goldberg2.jpg

Even without that animalistic hair, he still looks like some coomer untermensch, one who is projecting his own insecurities onto Anglin in order to feel better than somebody.

He was also an absolute moron of a troll. He connected all of his troll personas and even connected them to his 'real' identity, 'Moon Metropolis'. That was how he got busted in the first place, by having his real identity found through the Facebook friends list of one of his troll accounts.


Imagine 'befriending' your troll accounts with an account that has your real-life name. And then telling a bunch of journalists little bits and pieces about what you're doing just because it gives you a dopamine hit.

In conclusion: subhuman untermensch roleplaying in search of a recognition which gave him dopamine hits. That's why he couldn't help but tell journalists about his antics; that's why he had his fake accounts befriend and retweet other fakes; all to create the impression that he's someone bigger and better than his true self.

Hopefully that'll be the last I ever hear of him. I wonder if he lost his virginity to Bubba in prison?

The only thing of value to me was the revelation about Nathan Sykes being yiddish. I remember Sykes on Facebook around 2014 or so. I didn't know he went under the 'Hamish Patton' alias for Daily Stormer or anything else about him. The only thing I remember was mentioning Papua New Guinea to him. He said that he had been to, and liked, that country and then shared a photo of himself with two uniformed policemen there. He seemed like a harmless guy at the time.