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[–]Schlomo_GaschambergRabbi Schlomo Auschwitzstein Gaschamberg 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is, by far, the dumbest motherfucking post I've ever seen on here in the two years or so that this subsaidit has been going. Mostly because, unlike the other contenders, you aren't even trolling.

Firstly, presumably you're talking about 'tankies' and not the likes of the CPUSA who are even more stupid. That means I'd be on the same 'side' as Jackson Hinkle, Infrared Haz and Caleb Maupin, all of whom are insufferable, moronic and even more fringe than the 'Dissident Right'. Haz, for example, is a mentally-ill dipshit who—when he isn't screaming about some perceived enemy like Keith Woods—routinely screams at his own cult followers. He spews constant ahistorical nonsense. For instance, that Hoxha 'respected' Islam when Albania was one of the most militantly atheistic countries in the Soviet bloc, such that they destroyed all but three or so religious structures (of both the Muslim majority and the Christian minority) in the whole country. Or that East Germany, which started the 'Holocaustianity' quasi-religion far earlier than West Germany, was laughably 'conservative'.

The first four paragraphs are simply economic reductionist nonsense. I couldn't care less about some abstract Marxist conception of 'imperialism', one which hasn't even led to new wars in many years, 'bad healthcare', or a lack of industry in some third-world, socially radical, shithole country. They aren't even in my top ten list of issues.

Paragraph Five: I categorically reject the notion that there are any problems inherent to any sufficiently nationalized form of capitalism.

Firstly, capitalism and socialism both tend towards globalization, e.g. the 'world socialist state' under Marxism. Capitalism-globalism against socialism-nationalism is simply a false dichotomy.

Secondly, the solution to globalization is a totalitarian state whose authority is vast enough to never be weaker within its own borders than any rival entity. American globalization can clearly be stopped through a combination of the willpower (i.e. the right ideology, which cannot be a materialist ideology like liberalism nor Marxism) and actual state power.

America likely already has the latter given that the amount of 'red tape' on business—unbeknownst to those who wrongly think that America is dogmatically free-market (see, for example, this graphic which shows that America is actually moving away from the free-market at a rapid pace, with more protectionist measures being enacted even than in supposedly state socialist or state capitalist Red China during the same time period)—grows faster there than in almost every other country. That just means that America has the wrong ideology to reel in capitalism's excesses and unwanted side effects, to which M-L (which is even more materialistic) is no improvement.

Paragraph Seven: Firstly, capitalists were clearly subordinate to the state in NatSoc Germany.

Secondly, there is no absolutely zero proof for capitalist support for the NSDAP before they took power.

Thirdly, you're unfairly comparing the well tried and tested Bolshevik-Leninism to an ideology that Bolshevik-Leninism teamed up with the same liberalism it purports to be against to destroy. Marxism in its myriad forms is simply a mutated branch of liberalism, and is in no way whatsoever its antithesis, au contraire, it tries to realize liberal ideals, particularly of equality, to a greater extent than liberalism itself.

Fourthly, wealth inequality in the USSR and in China was/is far higher than in America, hence the writing on what has been termed the 'New Class'—i.e. the 'privileged bureaucracy'. The only counterargument that can be given for this is the worthless 'no true socialism' argument.

The 'only option' is a counter-revolution against late-modernity—which fascism did not go far enough to realize, having compromised too greatly with it—and not to continue on the path of the revolutions that began long ago, paths on which M-L would only be supplanted by even more degenerate ideologies like those of the 'post-Left'.