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[–]369 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

You're familiar with Yuri Bezmenov, correct?
Sure, this might be the long term plan, but Hilary was supposed to win. They've been in improv mode for about five years now. They would have initiated those steps after she aggressed Russia in to a hot conflict, the virus ransacked the economy and locked people in their homes and they would have diluted the Dollar massively to ensure the cattle couldn't get out.

Fortunately for us, they got bamboozled like a bunch of brainlets.
You should really grab some popcorn.

[–]Node 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

You should really grab some popcorn.

I've had my air popper for awhile, but have only been roasting coffee with it. Actually have 6 pounds of the blue kernels on order.

Okay, most people think my theory is nuts, and it may be, but I believe the people running our planet don't let randoms get close to the presidency of the US. You're whitelisted, or something happens.

As such, Trump was selected and installed to be the chaos president the whites are desperate to believe in after the african did so much damage. There are still people telling me Trump and Q "woke people up", and that it's been a net positive. Maybe...

But just making people aware of their situation isn't a cure. Biden is going to be a real awakening to our true position. Are people really going to rise up en mass and kill all the politicians? And their henchmen? And their financiers? Then the 'black knights', 13 families, or whatever the owners go by? Maybe I'm just not in touch, but I'm not seeing it. I see the wake up as more of a sharp slap to face of your slave who isn't paying attention.

I guess we'll begin to see what's up this year. Either the elite who own and control most everything are hands off on the way things work, or they're steering the ship on the path they've laid out.

Popcorn time indeed.