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[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I remember Lauren Southern complaining about her treatment in the alt right sphere and I think she was right.

My suspicion is that most of the mistreatment Lauren Southern received from the 'alt right sphere' were agent provocateurs specifically tasked with identifying disparate groups within the new alt right sphere and ensuring they stay siloed. There's a similar astroturfed movement on /pol/. Every time someone comes from reddit there's a lot of hostility towards them but in reality political dissidents for the most part want more people moving away from reddit and to dissident spaces like pol. All this anti reddit shilling on pol is fake divide and conquer stuff. Same thing happened with Lauren on others attempting to dip their toe into the alt right space. Obviously there are genuine alt right people that criticize Lauren Southern but harshest over the top critics are probably disingenuous and bad faith actors.

I remember at the time (2016-2018) there were some clear 'factions' in the alt right. Here's a list:

Alt right factions:

  1. Alt lite (Lauren southern, Gavin Mciness, etc)
  2. Libertarian alt right (some atheist some theist)
  3. Southern alt right (many of these types aligned with libertarian alt right)
  4. Old School White nationalist types
  5. Bernie Bros(former liberal alt right)
  6. Fed up uncucked conservatives (Anti neo con and anti rino conservatives willing to admit race realism and some embraced JQ)
  7. Groypers/Trad Caths/sedevacantists
  8. Anarchists/monarchists/moldbug fans/Bap fans (catchall group that likes the idea of a new ceo king type leader)

There are a couple of other groups (and many of these groups cross over) but I think those are the big ones. Paleocons were also on the edge of the alt right space. The uniparty knew these groups were emerging and knew that they'd have real political power if they teamed up. Politics is all about small political tribes hanging together to get things done with votes or financial power or other means. The unite the right rally concept attempted to do this but the elites came down on it HARD because they knew they needed to keep these groups apart. Any mainstream political pundit sympathizing with any of these groups was banished hard. It's a shame that we could get things together and form into a mainstream party or at least mainstream movement. Closest thing we got was unite the right and later National Justice party (which as we all know screwed the pooch when they couldn't decide how to handle covid, lockdowns and clot shots).

White women shouldn't be mistreated, especially not by us.

So long story short I totally agree with you but until we have a boots on the ground party with real membership rolls we can't police an 'internet' movement and tell them to be nice to people. Most people that act super aggressive to white women in the alt right space are either 14 years old or glowies and contracted shills trying to split us up. Genuine alt right people are just normal people. Many have families. Many are in high paying professions where they deal with women and minorities everyday and do it with grace and balance despite their race realism views and nigger fatigue. That's not the 'image' they want to give the alt right though. The image they want to create for us is violent incels with attachment problems and mental health issues. You can see this in the media they create.

Personally I am good at reaching christians, conservatives, and the like, but leftists seem unable to grasp the jewish supremacy and I have no idea of how to deliver the message in a way that they are receptive to

Explaining the JQ to liberals is my specialty. I'm really bad though at converting boomers on the left or right so anybody that's good at that should step up.

We have a lot of intelligent people in this sub so I think we should crowdsource and brainstorm ideas to deliver the message to leftists.

Agreed but don't really have any fresh ideas at the moment. I've started to sneak and chat in some WOTB threads and they seem like good people so we should all try to be respectful of that space but also jump in there and try to interact.

Maybe the german nationalist socialists knew how to do it and we can use the same methods? Anyone?

When I meet new people I just avoid politics and try to develop relationships mostly free of political and religious discussion. Then after I get in close with them and spend time doing implicit white activities with them I start working on them one political event at a time. Slowly, if they are ready for it, I get them over to the dissident perspective and if they're not ready for it I just don't let them fully into my inner circle of IRL dissidents. Simple as that. It's taken me like 6 years to build an IRL dissident group and it has made all the difference in my life to be able to talk openly with real people about what I talk about on DAR. Nobody gets into my inner circle that's afraid to name the jew or recognize the non whites are not the same civilization builders as whites and that whites need to be preserved as a distinct people. Those are all deal breakers for me.

edit. fixed some typos.

[–]DragonerneJesus is white[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Explaining the JQ to liberals is my specialty

How do you do that?

Slowly, if they are ready for it, I get them over to the dissident perspective and if they're not ready for it I just don't let them fully into my inner circle of IRL dissidents. Simple as that. It's taken me like 6 years to build and IRL dissident group and it has mad all the difference in my life to be able to talk openly with real people about what I talk about on DAR. Nobody gets into my inner circle that's afraid to name the jew or recognize the non whites are not the same civilization builders as whites and that whites need to be preserved as a distinct people. Those are all deal breakers for me.

It is a good approach.

[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

How do you do that?

I first convince them that I'm a good liberal like them and that my goal is making sure poor people don't starve and children get a good education. After that I basically redpill them on evil white male corporations are really evil jewish crime syndicates. Takes awhile but eventually is dawns on them that everytime they thought it was just 'big business' it was really 'big jew'. I like to use a lot of examples like Cynthia McKinney (black congresswomen) that tried to point out Israel's influence on the political process and how she was black balled. I like to use malcolm x and nation of islam documents that explain jewish involvement in the slave trade. It's a slow process but it works on some liberals as long as they think that you love humanity and just want to end corporate tyranny (which in a way I think many dissidents truly do want that). Once liberals see that Jews were involved in the slave trade and Jews were behind the military industrial complex and jews shot JFK they start getting SUPER redpilled and they start seeing jewish influence everywhere. Some of Devon Stack's film analysis is helpful with redpilling liberals. Also the documentary Goy Guide to World History that goes through the history of the world is great for some liberal catholics. EMJ doesn't shout about niggers while he's redpilling people on the Jews. The best way to redpill liberals on the Jew is just just leave race realism out of it because liberals are hyper sensitive to race realism arguments. They will basically block you out if they think you're an evil racist. Anti racism is a huge part of their worldview and if you threaten their world view they will try to destroy you so tread lightly. I also like to use homesteading and baby animals to convince liberals that the dissident sphere is a cool place. Lots of liberals love the idea of small farm communities and being in tune with nature.