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[–]proc0 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I don't think it's so much jews control society, as much as it's their intrinsic in-group bias that has apparently destroyed civilizations from within. Italians are not really considered descedants of romans (probably a minority only), egyptians are not really descendants of ancient egyptians, these are all different groups of people, having mixed with many races as those empires transitioned out of existence. But many jews still consider themselves direct descendants of the tribe of israel. Their lineage is many thousands of years old, how did they accomplish this when every other group of people intermixes themselves out of existence? I think hitler saw this was happening to germany again, and he took an extreme approach that ultimately backfired, and now we can witness the end of germanic people in real time as they keep getting more and more intermixed out of existence. Hundreds of years in the future, germans will be of every color and race, while jews will still be protecting their lineage.

I believe this double standard explains most of the "conspiracy". I think people see them sticking together while at the same time condemning other groups doing the same. It really seems like jews will criticize everyone except themselves and then shame you when you try to. Regardless, I don't condone group hatred of any kind, and I don't care that some groups want to preserve their lineage, but it's wrong to demand people let go of their own culture and history while you preserve your own (some would call that racist, but that's another mess).