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[–]saiditkang 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

The US averages around 70 homicides a day. The national media ignores the overwhelming majority of these except when it can be spun to serve an agenda, and then they will actively create or peddle a false narrative. Remember how Ahmaud Arbery was just innocently out for a jog? Or how Michael Brown was a gentle giant who put his hands up and yelled don't shoot! etc etc.

We don't know what the facts are in this case, but the media is already jumping to conclusions to push their agenda, as is the OP, a well known concern troll who apparently has blackmail material on the mods of this sub or some shit.

The family states he was innocently trying to pick up some siblings and went to the wrong house, but again as of now we have no way of knowing whether this was true or just some shit they made up, much like Abery just being real big into working on his cardio. Don't count on the media to ever tell you the truth either.

[–]Nasser[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Your correct in your points, however I do disagree with your point about Arbery, there's been no solid evidence he was engaging in criminal activity and even if he was, it doesn't justify his death. I do recommend watching this case because it could escalate like what happened in early 2020. I'm not a concern troll, I feel this story is very relevant to nationalists given how important Black grievance politics are in the modern lefts agenda.

[–]saiditkang 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Obsessively reporting and amplifying every crime or conflict where you can charactize(slander/libel) the white person as a villain while supressing and outright censoring any in which the black person is undoubtedly the villain is itself a form of racial incitement, and the media engages in it non stop.

Imagine if every time a Jew had any conflict with a black person, the headline is "Jew calls police on black child", or 'Jew attacks black woman', or 'racist Jew does_____', or 'Jew murders black person' or 'Jew scams poor black people', would that be acceptable? That is literally the equivalent of what our massively disproportionately Jewish media does with white people. It is non stop slander meant to foment racial hatred in the guise of "racial justice", and Jews are completely immune from it despite being primary instigators of it.

This is just another example of this kind of behavior, and of course YOU engage in the very same behavior, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. If this shooter in KC intentionally murdered a person who posed no threat to them they should be held accountable, but it is no more tragic than the 100 other murders that have likely happened since then, and it would be no less tragic if the shooter was black, something which the media would have then ignored. They, and YOU are pushing this story for your own agenda. The police are investigating it, what more do you want, what do you want us to do about it? By turning this into the next big race baiting story you people are crying fire in a crowded theatre and will get more people harmed and lives ruined, just like you always do.