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[–]DragonerneJesus is white 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's crazy to me that this is even a discussion let alone policy some places.

This simply means that propaganda works and that we should be as bold as possible to state what we want. People who support our goals might think it is going "too far" but that they support the sentiment, like leftists here. They feel like whites owe blacks something (probably they don't feel that, but just say it because they're anti white, but you get the idea, and saying they feel we owe something is a way to emotionally manipulate whites into going against their interests).

We should do the same. Be bold. I remember the first time I heard the idea of punishing the ones responsible for immigration into Denmark, the old politicians, for their crimes against our country. It was so far outside what I've ever even heard before, but it stuck with me and I completely agree with that idea, and maybe it stuck with me because it was so radical and so far outside what was allowed in my mind to even be said.

But is there any more justice than punishing those who have committed treason against your nation? Of course not, it is only natural, and it is fair.