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[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It'd be highly advisable to focus on the 2025-2035 period.

The thing to really watch out for are upticks in heart attacks and strokes caused by solar flares. There are such warnings from contemporary scientists dating back to at least 2018.

The whole vaccine issue may serve as a red herring from the actual cause of deaths, in the hopes of stirring up panic and civil unrest.

My correspondents drew my attention to how their illnesses in winter lasted longer than a week, upward two weeks. They indicated that it felt different from Covid. I don't think it was caused by the flu or as a result of people being confined indoors for very long. The seers warned that the air itself would be poisoned.

Russia and Europe unite loosely?

At first, there will be a loose alliance between the Russians and eastern Germans (Prussians).

The notoriously harsh crackdown on the Reichsburger movement and the German media pinning it all on Heinrich Reuss (when in reality, it is a very broad movement with divergent sects) shows that they don't want any movement setting a precedent for others to follow.

"Should one State alone preserve its national strength and its national greatness the empire of the Jewish satraps, like every other form of tyranny, would succumb to the force of the national idea."
– Mein Kampf

Not that Heinrich Reuss is actually a threat. I watched a speech video where he basically admits that 30 years of inquiring into the financial world brought him nowhere. All he could furnish was an outdated quote from an important member of the Rothschild family.

The Russian historian Andrei Fursov is much more credible with his claims. I remember watching a video of him documenting how Stalin had his personal intelligence infiltrate western European historical archives, investigating the financial elite. He draws attention to how there were other banking families which have since fallen out of prominence.

Also, there's this insightful talk from the revisionist Carolyn Yeager:

When the combined alliance has been utterly defeated and humiliated by the Catholic "great monarch" (the real Antichrist), then the genuine leader of Germany will appear from their ranks. This second monarch, directly inspired by Hitler's speeches and precedent, will be the one who expels Jews and foreigners from Germany. (Prophecies: Das Lied von der Linde, Holzhauser, Wessel Dietrich Eckart)

Btw Hitler predicted that the Catholic Church would collapse within 100-200 years.

Jews exit Europe and Russia and flood into Asia.

Yes, they will have to leave Russia as well.

Hitler predicted that if the Jews were removed from the European life, it'd take approximately 300-400 years before they returned to Europe as merchants. The Czech and Chinese also serve as historical examples of how a people could discreetly conquer a nation by being obliging and servile, displaying themselves as subservient to national interests. The Orthodox seers predicted that Siberia would be overrun by China, not as a result of being delivered to them by the Western powers, but due to the Chinese establishing good relations.

If Israel manages to complete the construction of The Third Temple, we'll see how accurate the rest of that prophecy is.

I maintain that the Zionists will never be able to produce a great political or military leader, certainly not someone of Napoleon's caliber, that the Antichrist cannot possibly come from their secular or religious programming, and if he did, he would not be as dangerous as Christians make him out to be.

Only someone who has an inconceivable hatred of Zionism would have the gall to bring Armageddon into fruition, and in their place. Nothing would be more humiliating than for them than to be on the cusp of realizing their goals, only to have someone snatch their glorious moment from right under their noses. It's the perfect revenge.

There is, in fact, a historical precedent for this in the rule of King Alexander Jannaeus. The fact that the proto-Zionists used the same methods employed against Gentiles (external force and internal dissent) in a botched attempt to undermine his rule should speak volumes!

Their method was: 1) arranging for the Greek-Syrian king Demetrius III to enter into Jerusalem for negotiations and 2) under the guise of Pharisees, inciting the Jewish masses to rebel against their king. He in turn opposed their leadership by means of a council & the great men he gathered to him.

"The Jew knows very well that he can undermine the existence of European nations by a process of racial bastardisation, but that he could hardly do the same to an Asiatic national State like Japan... Therefore, he seeks to destroy the Japanese national State by using other national States as his instruments..."
– Mein Kampf

It must be remembered that whether Palestine/Israel collapses or not is inconsequential to Zionist interests. As long as they're not the ones managing the state of affairs, they don't give a shit about what happens to their base of operations. As soon as a genuinely representative Jewish leader seizes control, they will sabotage everything they worked so hard to build up.

We may expect another benign usurper like Julian the Apostate to make his stage appearance in the Middle East.