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[–]DragonerneJesus is white 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

Not really
Jews are religiously motivated, especially those at the top of Judaism.
They have been at war with Christians for 2000 years. The concept of whiteness allowed the jew to subvert Christians by turning Christians against "Blacks" while siding with Jews (fellow whites).
They could then promote anti Christian values from within Christian nations using racism.

It is no wonder that most prominent figures of the alt right were Jews themselves.
They want us fighting against blacks, muslims, indians, etc.
Jews want whites to be hateful of others, they want us to turn away from Jesus Christ who is antithetical to them.

Christianity is a HUGE redpill in itself, especially for an atheist like me.

In fact, you cannot get redpilled on Christianity BEFORE you learn about the JQ. The redpill on Christianity comes after the JQ, which is interesting, because I always felt like the JQ was the last redpill that I was scared to even look into, lest I end up agreeing with it.

Whites are under attack because we are Christians.

The best part about that is that Christianity is a SHIELD. The jew cannot attack you for being Christian. It is bad optics for the jew. But you can attack jewish propaganda for being degenerate, anti Christian, etc and people can ONLY nod in agreement or disagree with you while they go mask off about being horrible people.

[–]EuropeanAwakening14 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Lol. Such nonsense. Jews attack Christianity because its seen as a European religion. Who are these Jewish alt right leaders? Jews have been fighting with Europeans longer than Christianity has been around.

None of what you're saying is even a response to what is happening. The replacement of Whites is explicitly gloated about and celebrated and your response the same old BS about not dividing each other based on race and the same old failed conservative Christian ideas that are actually used to depoliticize Whites and get them to stop caring about racial issues to make them less of a threat to Jewish power.

Of course, race is the most important thing to Jews because they understand where the battlefield is. If they can get Whites onto Christianity is takes Whites away from the actual battlefield and makes things easier for them. Since they have already subverted Christianity and turned it into a vehicle for liberalism over the past 200 or so years, they can then have control over these people and what moral values they adopt regarding things like race and give them stupid narratives regarding it and other issues to neutralize them as a political threat. There's a reason why the establishment is willing to go along with Christianity.

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They have been at war with Christians for 2000 years. The concept of whiteness allowed the jew to subvert Christians by turning Christians against "Blacks" while siding with Jews (fellow whites).

This, in truth, is more or less an overstated charge I see Protestants spread. Yes, Judaism, which is the defining spark of the religious Jews, Orthodox, dynastic Hasidim, Reform; and the Saducee ethnonationalists (Jew(ish) nationalism), merely a waste product of rabbinic Judaism; is the antithetical equivalent of the very concept of whiteness, which is fairly new, without the supernatural of Christianity. The racial naturalism of Judaism is the Jews' self-defining religion, even if he denies it consciously. For there are no redeeming qualities in rabbinic Judaism whatsoever. Therefore, without Christianity, we cannot win! And there is no more Christianity in the Church becuase men have forgotten God and allowed Jews such as anti-Pope Bergoglio and his masonic and Talmudic henchmen to takeover the Church. Similarly we see this in the evangelical denomination, completely subverted by Jews and masons under the hex of Dispensationalism and the Scofield bible.

To fall for the naturalism of racialism without Christianity, is to dig yourself and your people their own grave. To follow Christ, His truth, for which he was sent to spread, permits the Christian to live as a man of God and marry and have numerous children, White children, if he prefers, as the majority of white Christians do indeed prefer marrying into their own race.

In fact, you cannot get red-pilled on Christianity BEFORE you learn about the JQ. The redpill on Christianity comes after the JQ, which is interesting, because I always felt like the JQ was the last redpill that I was scared to even look into, lest I end up agreeing with it.

Distributionism under a traditional Catholic temporal theocracy is the way to go. Also, stop using the term redpill, which was invented by two tranny Jews.

The best part about that is that Christianity is a SHIELD. The jew cannot attack you for being Christian.

Which is why the political route and trying to takeover Congress is far better, in so that when we have the majority we can finailly kick out the Zionist Jews and ban their media.


The replacement of Whites is explicitly gloated about and celebrated and your response the same old BS about not dividing each other based on race and the same old failed conservative Christian ideas that are actually used to depoliticize Whites and get them to stop caring about racial issues to make them less of a threat to Jewish power.

Agreed. But the replacement of Americans, racialized as white by Jews, is a deliberate and artificial conspiracy of ethnic cleansing.

Of course, race is the most important thing to Jews because they understand where the battlefield is. If they can get Whites onto Christianity is takes Whites away from the actual battlefield and makes things easier for them.


There's a reason why the establishment is willing to go along with Christianity.

I don't see anywhere where the establishment goes along with 'Christianity.' In fact, they do everything to deny a distributionist Catholic theocracy. Separation of Church and state? More like separation of Synagogue and state!