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[–]Rakean93Identitarian socialist 5 insightful - 4 fun5 insightful - 3 fun6 insightful - 4 fun -  (1 child)

I expecially liked the post where the Pope is said to have blessed the use of the n-word. Apparently bots are extremely racist. That's my favourite Reddit now, thanks.

[–]LGBTQIAIDSAnally Injected Death Sentence[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Imagine a world in which that post isn't just regarded merely as some gibberish, but as an objective truth.

Perhaps those who defend him, in such a scenario, will themselves be the ones accused of being 'the real bots'.

That's probably how it'll end up between the future humans on the internet.

Online conversations between human users, many aware of the ubiquity of bots but unable to differentiate them from other human users, may well end up resembling something like:

'You're the real bots!'

'No, you're the real bots!'

'No, I'm not a bot. You're the real bots!'

I think we can actually already see this beginning to happen with the 'Russian/Putin shill' thing. Plenty of conversations already play out like the above, but with terms like 'Russian shill' in place of 'bot'. In both there is a common theme that is not shared with other common things such as the "You're the real racist!" spiel; namely, that the person on the other end is in some way fake.

One thing that reminds me of all this is the long-running 'Postmodern Generator'. At first glance, what it produces might seem to be coherent, but it is actually—and quite obviously upon closer inspection—complete nonsense. The purpose of it was to ridicule academicese, but it is easy to see how people just starting out in continental philosophy might mistake some of this nonsense as academically rigorous work:

I can imagine an undergraduate student reading the following, and believing that it is indeed as believable as anything he has read from a book or journal:

“Sexuality is part of the collapse of culture,” says Lacan; however, according to Werther, it is not so much sexuality that is part of the collapse of culture, but rather the absurdity of sexuality. In a sense, von Ludwig holds that we have to choose between Derridaist reading and textual dematerialism. If the precultural paradigm of reality holds, the works of Tarantino are postmodern.

It is, of course, random gibberish. But with a bit of alteration, it would not look out of place in the works of some postmodernist author.