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[–]SamiAlHayyidGrand Mufti Imam Sheikh Professor Al Hadji Dr. Sami al-Hayyid 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

The immediate thing I noticed about that Tweet is that if we replace 'Japan' with literally any White nation, Musk would have been totally cancelled. It's also rather unfortunate that it would probably never occur in his libertarian mind that this is so. Notice how ( Japan is the only non-European country with negative population growth, and that there is dead silence from all of the global bigwigs on it afflicting half of Europe, notably excepting when they want to use it to promote immigration?

It appears that exposure to Elon Musk causes similar symptoms to those of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Symptoms include ranting about how Musk is a 'fascist' when he clearly isn't; Musk constantly being on Left-liberal minds and being shoehorned into all sorts of narratives with which he clearly has no relation; exhibiting hostile attitudes toward anyone perceived as sympathetic toward Musk; and wishing death upon both him and them.

There is already much regurgitation on Twitter about how this is a 'racist dogwhistle', etc.

Perhaps more disturbing are the comments. I read one that said something like 'Japan should let in 600,000 [644,000 is supposedly the amount of total Japanese lost each recent year] immigrants'. Obviously someone completely oblivious to how this has worked out for every Western country.

Only a total moron would believe that a minority-Japanese 'Japan' would still have people concerned with it. Notice that there are no equivalents to 'weeaboos' for mixed-race countries because everyone knows deep inside that they're all shitholes and only pretend they believe otherwise for emotional, faux-moral reasons; that is, that it is in some way 'bad' to acknowledge this simple fact?

After all, just when you have ever heard a White person say: I wish I was born in Brazil? It's always Japan or somewhere like Sweden, isn't it? No matter the ideology, no matter how fucked up the person in question is, nobody says: 'I wish I was born in the Sudan'. And literally nobody will say: 'I wish I was born in [a majority non-Japanese] Japan', after the fact. There will be no 'weeaboos' for that future Japan.

It is because what these people value about Japan (e.g. 'anime') would simply not be there without the Japanese ethnie. Without this group, they will not see any more value in Japan than in Sudan.

The Japanese situation is far worse than anyone knows. The Covid baby bust is accelerating things.

The number of babies born in Japan in 2021 is estimated to have declined to around 805,000, a figure not expected until 2028 in the shrinking country

It appears that South Korea has also experienced negative population growth for the first time in 2021:

The country's total population of nearly 52 million is set to decline 0.18% by 2021 year-end, for the first time since the country began collecting census data, according to figures released by Statistics Korea.

The government institution in charge of statistics and census data also mapped out a worst-case scenario, according to which the present population will drop to around 12 million by 2120 — around 23% of today's population.

Moreover, Statistics Korea predicted that the average age of the population is set to rise, from a median of 43 in 2021 to 62 by 2070.

[–]Blackbrownfreestuff 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

The immediate thing I noticed about that Tweet is that if we replace 'Japan' with literally any White nation, Musk would have been totally cancelled.

It's actually kosher to talk about falling birth rates in a white country as long you follow it with how that means we should allow more brown immigrants.