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[–]LGBTQIAIDSAnally Injected Death Sentence 5 insightful - 4 fun5 insightful - 3 fun6 insightful - 4 fun -  (1 child)

I thought that... we'd be awesome... we'd kill some Russian fascist Nazi homophobe bigots and call in an airstrike on Trumputin... we'd win the war all by ourselves... Reddit regiment... I thought we'd call in a MOAB like in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3... any one of us just needed 25 kills... but we haven't gotten a single one... we'd destroy the Russian Fuhrer Trumputin with that MOAB... we'd drop it right on his shiny balding head... send a message to that fucking Agent Orange Cheeto Fuhrer with tiny hands that we'd be coming for him next... revenge for Trumputin hacking our elections in 2016... revenge for all those sleepless nights where I couldn't help but look underneath my bed every few minutes for hidden Nazis...

I wanted to fight for freeedumb and dumbocrazy... for the rights of Ukrainian and Russian transchildren to grow up in a world without hate and fear... but... but it's all gone horribly wrong. The Russians... they're... they're winning... the fucking hateful bigots are... are winning... my best friend... we used to watch my favourite trans porn videos together... and... and... I just saw xem with xir head blown off... Russians started deadnaming us with their loudspeakers... the microaggressions were so strong that... the sheer level of aggression must have killed xir... we just met at the last Pride Month and xe's already dead... the Russians started calling us men and we started dropping like flies... we're trans women, damn it! Why don't these fucking transphobe homophobe pieces of shit get it!? I knew that microaggressions caused harm... but these... these are macro-aggressions. They really hurt! They're taking lives!!!

We were already taking heavy casualties before we got here. The Ukrainians killed my friend CeCe, and many others too, having met us as we got off the plane... they started mansplaining how to get to the frontlines... xir head simply exploded on the spot... it was terrible. CeCe was prestige 10, level 70, I thought that meant that xe was going to have my back... now we're here firing all of our ammunition into the distance... we thought it would be funny to kill homophobes with rainbow-painted guns... like... like in Call of Duty: Black Ops III... we even went a step further and painted our bullets rainbow too... soon all I'll have left is a rainbow dildo... they're popping up with loudspeakers, firing microaggressions... they're killing us all without firing a single bullet... we're almost out of supplies... we've ran out of soy latte... I'll never be able to watch trans porn while sipping soy lattes ever again! What... what will happen to my humongous trans porn collection that I managed to bring with me? I... I think my last remaining friend, Vaginal, a strapping... strap-on-ing? ... young drag queen from Queens, New York... just died... full body explosion from the sheer weight... the sheer pressure of the microaggressions... all of my 4K Blu-Ray discs are... are being shattered... terabytes of trans porn... by the sheer bombardment of the microaggressions... xe carried some of them for me... I want to live... but... without my colossal trans porn collection... is it worth it? ... I... I'm scared... I'm panicking... everything is... going dark... I'm... I'm sure I'm going to be next! The microaggressions... the deadnaming... they're... they're killing me! I'll never be able to watch trans porn again! What will be... my last words... they... are... MY... MY TRANS PORN COLLECTION!