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[–]MarkimusNational Socialist 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I think your view of how it came to be is incorrect.

Jews were the super spreaders initially remember.

Jews are susceptible to respiratory viruses (I forgot its name but Mike talked about it on Strike and Mike or TDS but there's a virus very similar to covid that affects jews because of all their inbreeding and whatever else)

In all likelihood what happened was they were researching trying to find cures to these respiratory illnesses that are dangerous for jews. Then, due to how contagious covid is, it accidentally got out the lab. This is why jewry panicked, their elites thought this could wipe out a massive portion of them.

This is why all the cattle had to be locked down, this is why they always framed it as the unvaccinated putting THEM at risk. It's why Israel got the vax first, it was promoted to people who are in close proximity to jews regularly, why Israel has 6 gorillion boosters etc. Jews are just scared of it.

Anyway haven't all the covid people been talking about how Omicron is the end now? Why is it so urgent now that it's going away?

[–]EthnocratArcheofuturist 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is Greg Johnson's theory as well. I think it's far more consistent than the "plandemic" theory.

[–]send_nasty_stuffNational Socialist[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Jews were the super spreaders initially remember

I think the term 'super spreader' was just a media term and it was mostly used to try to stop republican campaigns. All I remember early in the pandemic was some video on Chinese nationals going through stores licking things but who knows how real that was. I think that Jews were only considered 'spreaders' because a higher proportion Jews are jet setters that move around a lot. People that travel more will spread more disease. The idea that it's because Jews are more susceptible to respiratory illness I guess could be true but the entire western populace in general is increasingly more susceptible to all illness as they grow older and fatter so I'm not sure how much weight that hypothesis holds.

In all likelihood what happened was they were researching trying to find cures to these respiratory illnesses that are dangerous for jews. Then, due to how contagious covid is, it accidentally got out the lab.

I'm not going to outright dismiss this theory but there are other theories. I think it's really important to understand that leak, release or natural the elite class wants a medical passport system and other dissolution of nations, classes, races and wealth accumulation. They have enough blanket media control that they could have created the exact same media panic and vaccine push without a 'novel' virus as all. They could have just used a regular flu variation and gas lit the public into thinking it's new and deadly. All of the public death toll numbers, masking, lockdowns and business restrictions were pre gamed out and again their big goal is forcing a future supply chain break down and forcing dissolution of individual rights (like right to move around freely, right to not be masked, right to not be injected or coerced into injection). I'm willing to move in different direction on a lot of things about this pandemic if the evidence leads me there but right now the evidence (especially the patent research evidence) leads me to the hypothesis that is was almost totally preplanned.

It's why Israel got the vax first, it was promoted to people who are in close proximity to jews regularly, why Israel has 6 gorillion boosters etc. Jews are just scared of it.

You know that covid rates went up after they got most of Israel vaccinated right? They shot up even more after the boosters. The israelis are just as beholden to central banker rulers as European and Americans are. The rabbis even identified correctly that the vax was fucking up the cycles of their women. After watching the recent doctor yeadon video I think they used the pandemic to test MRNA tech on large populations illegally. The fact they have out different batches to different regions and countries is totally illegal and immoral in itself. Long term if we keep taking even a mildly dangerous vaccine the populace will likely become vaccine dependent the same way domesticated animals become vaccine dependent. That alone is terrifying and should make every honest dissident pause and take a second look at what's going on.

Anyway haven't all the covid people been talking about how Omicron is the end now? Why is it so urgent now that it's going away?

I think they essentially hit narrative collapse and are doing a soft back peddle. There were some back channel 'insider' leak posts about this on pol the last few days. They aren't going to totally back peddle of course but get ready for insane leftists to go even more insane as all this dials down and the media reverses itself on things like masks.

[–]MarkimusNational Socialist 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The idea that it's because Jews are more susceptible to respiratory illness I guess could be true but the entire western populace in general is increasingly more susceptible to all illness as they grow older and fatter so I'm not sure how much weight that hypothesis holds.

It's specifically the kind of virus corona was engineered to replicate. I don't know what it's called but covid is like a genetically engineered version of SARs which is similar to this virus that jews were probably trying to study to find treatment for. This is the explanation that makes the most logical sense, I don't buy anything about covid being an intentional bioweapon or the vaccine being intentionally dangerous considering who takes them and who they're marketed to (everyone who gets into contact with jews regularly).

You know that covid rates went up after they got most of Israel vaccinated right? They shot up even more after the boosters.

Yup for obvious reasons, this shit can't really be vaccinated against due to how fast it mutates like colds and flus, and then restrictions lifted as well as people thinking they're safe because they're 'vaccinated'. Of course there would be more infections because social activity increased. I don't think this has really anything to do with international finance as some kind of conspiracy.

Long term if we keep taking even a mildly dangerous vaccine the populace will likely become vaccine dependent the same way domesticated animals become vaccine dependent. That alone is terrifying and should make every honest dissident pause and take a second look at what's going on.

Yup, I much prefer exercising, eating healthy and supplementing D3 and a multivitamin for own immune system. These are obviously going to damage people's immune systems and are obviously just a massive money making scheme.

The stuff about losing individual rights is really of no concern, the only time you need to wear a mask in the UK is inside some buildings. Even then there's signs up saying 'be mindful some people may have invisible medical issues' IE 'don't chimp out at people not wearing masks', as well as audio being played on trains and in shops saying the same thing 'please wear a protective mask, and be mindful that some people may have hidden illnesses'. It's really more of a choice, I just don't see this crazy covid tyranny people are talking about. Sucks for people who work retail or something and have to wear the mask all day because it makes your face hot and uncomfortable but other than that for like 99% of people it's really just changed nothing in terms of muh individual freedom.

The masks are actually somewhat helpful in terms of not being able to be identified, anyone wanting to do some guerilla anti-capitalist action can much more easily get away with shoplifting and shit now. Not that I would endorse such criminality against god's chosen people's supermarkets and such.