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[–]EthnocratArcheofuturist 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Supply chains are not governments.

They're a vital component of today's neoliberal order. Denying this is just lunacy.

The supply chain destabilization is being put in place to cause a depression and a forced shift to a world currency.

That doesn't make any sense. I'm sure you have lots of evidence to back this claim up, right?

Jews always fuck up markets so they can buy up distressed assets for pennies on the dollars.

That's a completely separate issue.

This is like JQ 101 Ethnocrat. How many comments have you read here on DAR breaking this down for you with sources?

When it comes to the supply chains issue no one here has presented sufficient evidence to demonstrate that Jews are behind all of it, and that it somehow benefits them. Deifying the elites -- including Jews -- is stupid and lazy. I'm obviously not talking about the speculation part, which again, is a separate issue.

You must be joking with this.

It's a fact. Neoliberals are actually worried about it.